This blog was created for others who will hopefully glean something from the words I have written.Not much to say except I ran off from an orphanage when I was 13 years old.Hopped on a freight train and joined the circus.Have been wandering ever since.I am grateful to be alive and my only desire is to leave something here for others to gain from.If I can accomplish that then I have successfully reached my intended goal.All we have left in the end is our legacy.
Blades of grass that seem to cut Not gentle like one would expect Before droplets of blood fall Sweat runs from my brow Earnestly I lick my salty lips Anticipation awaits curiously As daffodils surround me Bowing down and staring in reluctance While I lay about in the morning dew Pondering the silence It is the calm before the storm As blood flows from my wound Upon the ground it falls generously
As though it were a fallen star Upon such shores it rests What places it has traveled to Beyond the waves and crests The beckoning of the tides In an ocean vast as the sky Reflections in likeness to rainbows Oblivious to gulls that cry A world where there is no song Yet the vibrations of the whale drone Lulling of waves crashing on shores The sandbar seems to moan Only the lighthouse seems to listen In the shadows it silently stands Looking down upon the fallen stars That have come from distant lands
He sits upon a cold throne Birth came from discarded placentas Placed upon the heap His bloody evil mind lives Behind eyes of terror Torn flesh of his victims Digesting within his belly In the cold place where he dwells The hearts of many who wandered Innocence is no excuse At the end of their journey They remain within the clutches Nimble fingers grasping for me In the chilled air Towards warm flesh that is fresh Seeking to devour me in his hunger Confirming that all my thoughts Within my youth were correct Vexation is upon the world In many forms it thrives Concealing itself behind the veil Lurking always lurking Patiently waiting for me to stumble