

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Sleeping In"

Herman is sleeping in late today
Last night he wanted
To hang out and play
He always sleeps with his teddy
When it comes to bedtime
He's always ready
Herman is a spoiled guy
But that's okay
I'm glad to have him
With me each day

© 2009 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"The Way It Is"

It seems you always encounter a few
These days it's probably
More like quite alot
I blame is on the parents
Well not really
I know plenty of good parents
The fault is within the individual
Somewhere along the line
A decision is made
Maybe they just decide
It's easier to be like that
It takes too much effort
To be any other way
Then society has to tolerate them
Of course they have kids too
Hopefully who recognize
They don't want to be like that
Then a decision is made
Maybe they just decide
It's easier to change and not be like that
It takes too much effort
To be any other way
It doesn't matter anymore
You know
How many of them there are
Compared to how many there aren't
Only the ones who want to be that way
Actually care
The rest of the world doesn't give a damn
They know it exists
There isn't anything that can change it
The world moves on
Knowing in truth
That as each one expires over time
They are not missed
After all there's plenty more
Where they came from
I just feel sorry for him
You know
The ass in the hole
Falling into that place
Then having his photo taken
Just so I could have it
To use in my prose

© 2009 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved