This blog was created for others who will hopefully glean something from the words I have written.Not much to say except I ran off from an orphanage when I was 13 years old.Hopped on a freight train and joined the circus.Have been wandering ever since.I am grateful to be alive and my only desire is to leave something here for others to gain from.If I can accomplish that then I have successfully reached my intended goal.All we have left in the end is our legacy.
I am drowning; Memories evade me at times; The horseman is headless; He never came out of the shade; Although I chase him frequently; Relentless are my efforts; My words seem to fall upon deaf ears; I should have given up long ago; Still there is hope where no hope survives; I shall remember it all the days of my life; Cleansing myself in the cool waters; Remembering it for my own sake; Yet I am drowning in that which I also love; The song I sing has sour notes; But it is still a song of lost love; A love that caused my heart to cry; In a place where nobody could hear me; The bird remains in my hand; Yet it will not give flight upon its own wings; Rather it would stay with me; It's feathers stained by my stream of tears;
Humbling myself before the dragon Entering his solemn lair There is no fear within my heart Else the dragon be aware The cave which within he dwells Shafts of lighting break the way Many have entered but never returned Their hearts were not pure They did not know the way The dragon's heart is beating softly He knows that I am near I come to bring him messages To whisper in his ear Others of his kind in lairs As they slept in peace Were sought out by their foes In search of golden fleece Their heads were put on altars Many drank their blood As they made foolish oaths Just before the flood Nature's fury showed its face Destroying all the altars My message is to tell the dragon To flee before he falters He shall go in silent night I will show the way So he can dwell in distant lands To see another day
In the garden where dreams came true My father was a gentle man Who took the time he spent with me Where fairies could live Those days when time suspended The outside world did not matter We shared moments with the butterfly Trading ideas on many things It was my fondest time in life As the sparrow sings Sweet songs that remind me Of all that occured The visions are clear None are blurred Grateful to have known Those many days Spent with father Whom I adore In my heart for ever more Although it never was I dream of it on lonely nights
Martina searches for inner truth Yet she may find it elusive in others She has seen the bleeding hearts of The many mothers Who roam the streets in unspoken words The dew upon the grass That eludes the warmth of the sun Yet it fades away like steam that rises Although the emotion remains Below it are the remains of lost civilizations But their minds are not gone She keeps them alive in her heart So that they are never forgotten