This blog was created for others who will hopefully glean something from the words I have written.Not much to say except I ran off from an orphanage when I was 13 years old.Hopped on a freight train and joined the circus.Have been wandering ever since.I am grateful to be alive and my only desire is to leave something here for others to gain from.If I can accomplish that then I have successfully reached my intended goal.All we have left in the end is our legacy.
Blades of grass that seem to cut Not gentle like one would expect Before droplets of blood fall Sweat runs from my brow Earnestly I lick my salty lips Anticipation awaits curiously As daffodils surround me Bowing down and staring in reluctance While I lay about in the morning dew Pondering the silence It is the calm before the storm As blood flows from my wound Upon the ground it falls generously
As though it were a fallen star Upon such shores it rests What places it has traveled to Beyond the waves and crests The beckoning of the tides In an ocean vast as the sky Reflections in likeness to rainbows Oblivious to gulls that cry A world where there is no song Yet the vibrations of the whale drone Lulling of waves crashing on shores The sandbar seems to moan Only the lighthouse seems to listen In the shadows it silently stands Looking down upon the fallen stars That have come from distant lands
He sits upon a cold throne Birth came from discarded placentas Placed upon the heap His bloody evil mind lives Behind eyes of terror Torn flesh of his victims Digesting within his belly In the cold place where he dwells The hearts of many who wandered Innocence is no excuse At the end of their journey They remain within the clutches Nimble fingers grasping for me In the chilled air Towards warm flesh that is fresh Seeking to devour me in his hunger Confirming that all my thoughts Within my youth were correct Vexation is upon the world In many forms it thrives Concealing itself behind the veil Lurking always lurking Patiently waiting for me to stumble
Beyond the haunted mesas In the valleys below New York City was vaporized Its radiation persists As would a plague upon the earth Those who remained with raised hands Making inquiry to the heavens Worms with gourds placed over them In finality until expiration Their corpses remain unburied Rotting in decay upon the earth No effect can be too great upon me I am the lady of masks who rides upon The wings of my invention Neatly placing mementos into my nest In the distance a whirlpool continues A sinkhole that sucks away at the decay Placing it into the bowels of the earth The mantis and the butterfly remain Pollination will replenish in the blooming In the new days ahead which have begun
Creeping rotting vegetation Wraps itself around the throat Of local places which once thrived Strangulation everywhere Furiously I whip my rabbit Into submission he sinks Falling beneath my rage When the Czar's army came to Kovno They peered onwards looking When you placed pipes into their mouths Forcing water downwards Until it made them explode Women and children fled into the river Drowning themselves out of sacrifice They said nothing in the shadow of Stalin You could easily slumber next to me Not knowing that I have piercing arrows Under my quilt to thrust into your heart If not for my grandfather It would be so but instead: You are left to the hunger of ravenous wolves
There are no windows in my room Seclusion from the daylight In the countryside My blue house stands Without gutters to funnel the rain The tree on the hill painted In stealth of night Blue leaves shimmering Under the stars Will they adore eachother In the light of day I have no way of knowing With no windows to look out from my room
The objects of her lust vary She uses her squeeze box Holding her prey close Upon release they wander aimlessly Seeking out refuge and celibacy All desire has been taken from them Until there is no more to take Introverts are mentally drained Extroverts are zapped for their energy In all that might remain Strangulation and reticulation Like wild loose vegetation It wraps itself around the ankles Squeezing unto bulging eyes Sexual death is within her merciless thighs There is no conversation In the meat factory where sides of beef Hanging on hooks awaiting butchery So that they might be consumed Ichabod Crane sees the headless horseman Welcoming him with open arms Rather than to face the relentless pursuit Of the squeeze box woman In a world where There are not enough doors That lead to quiet rooms
My innocence has been stained With Crimson tears Within myself I conceal Those inner most fears When blood hath flowed From other places Enduring screams Utter disgrace Within myself I must conceal Pretending not to feel Numb to all such pain My tears fall like acidic rain Such wounds that run deep Looking into my eyes You cannot see Beyond my disguise This sanguine flow Which stains my thighs A thousand deaths I have died No one came to save me Each time I cried
Hard pressed up against the window Spirited from place to place At the mercy of people who use me As though I were a chess piece My heart is in pain While my parents battle on Division in the ranks of variance Pulled upon like taffy Cooling waters to quell the heat afar Until then there is no place of my own What is love-but a fleeting thing What I have known of it is dashed Upon hardened rock that juts upwards As if reaching for something Yet I know it is not meant for me The warm heart that will touch me Awaits somewhere out in the abyss Although its presence is felt It is not yet seen Rather something accepted on faith That a day will come when my tears shall fail My heart will be filled with the warmth of joy My place will be assured for me Only then will I be truly loved Able to breathe once again
When all is quiet and nothing stirs A visitor comes to see The cream skinned girl who slumbers Upon the featherbed It is not her skin so fair Neither is it her silver hair He is the guardian of the night Who watches through the candle light Under the guise of the glowing moon Until the sun rises once again She is an angel that he adores Watching over forever more
Sailing towards the end of the world Magnificently reflecting towards eternity A voyage not always smooth Against rough hewn shores I have adored certain parts A journey beyond my wildest dreams Beneath countless stars and many moons Chapters that seemed endless in time The wind hath filled my sails full In the rocking of the bough Sleeping away in the palm of my hand Are the precious moments in my life
My tomatoes accompany me To the induction center I pass all my tests and the physical exam The staff seargant invokes his wrath Upon my tomatoes Threatening to exile them He is politely informed My tomato bitches go with me Lest you molest my family There are not many choices of what must be done He remembers watching Full Metal Jacket My tomatoes are with me while in the Infirmary They are with me on the bus ride home Upon the windowsill in my room they sit My old job at the factory awaits me My own father will not say anything Against my tomatoes My dachsund sits upon the bed with me Staring at my bitches who sit in the sun Upon the windowsill
The clothesline pole bends in the wind As her flower print apron dissapears Soon will go her pinstriped dress Upon the hill of tears She is the good woman who toils Moving upon the wind to inspire Visiting other weather worn women Who stubbornly refuse to tire Her hands of steel from endless work Stern may be her face Inside there is a heart of gold That always keeps its place Not far behind is her faithful cat It follows her throughout all time It is the cat that follows the good woman As she continues her climb To the tops of many hills of tears Where she dries the children's eyes Before she moves upon the wind Inspiring others to rise
Today my dad helped me We made a castle of sand My sister said it was fit for a unicorn That came from a magical land Where dragons breathe their fire In gardens children play Gumdrops grow on bushes In pots made out of clay In the evening we watched the waves Slowly went the sun Another castle dissapears Another dream is done
Great lightnings which once clambered From rooftop to rooftop Now gather in the ocean within The motion-upon such waves Under the gaze of Orion Even unto Pleiades The seven daughters of Atlas Peer upon the waters In the twinklings of other stars Which pull upon me As stringed instruments Of a lyre which plays Like reins attached to my heart Gently tugging at me with their power Andromeda which once remained a mystery No longer evades me Upon the lulling of the ocean In the midst of stinging salt My nostrils are filled with its odours I have known love Such as in this great gathering Not only upon the oceans Also unto the island beyond Which conceals my heart It knows me as I lay upon the beach With a shell upon my ear Closely listening to the waves Far away the inner sounds carry me Unto places I would not go myself Places where angels might fear to tread It surrounds me within The mighty gathering Yet I know I am safe For I am like the hart that desires As it sits by the side of the brook It listens intently to the babbling Far away it carries the hart Until it has reached the island In the gathering upon the sea
Gathering fingers of the cacti Envelop within their palm Delicate desert flower Within itself there is much power Yet like the lotus upon the water Shifting petals filled with dew It stands in poise with life anew Its very pristine innocence conceals That which thrives inside The still small beating heart That nobody hears Concealed quietly from outer fears Lest someone should notice The dried up tears My desert flower in solitude In pure white sands upon the mesa I am the tumbleweed that rolls by Briefly capturing the flowers eye
Grey shafts of light in the tunnel of terror Screeching wheels on the rails Emitting sparks along the way Above are the naked skyscrapers Giant fingers reaching upward Muddy coloured clouds adorn The city without pity Feet pounding the pavenment Mercilessly by the forlorn Crushed abdomens of innocent ants Yet there is no weeping Except the machines who notice Oil are the tears of the machines They weep in the vortex of delerium
Fearless divebombers of the ocean Marked targets in the water below Buoyant pirates who have no fear Their inner beauty surpasses grace in flight Hearts are worn openly Upon such waves ridden freely Pelican kings and queens Waddling in courtly fashion Until gentle winds carry them To places where others dream to be Gulls attempt to follow A rising sun which does not trust Revelations are in their silence Actions speak loudly Thriving in the foam of the brine
The flower dream spiral Within fractal heavens Fading membranes separate Floating sphericals on their way Where light and darkness Exist under different circumstances Than myths created by men
Life parades by my bench Children play on swings Down in Central Park Feeding crumbs of bread to pigeons Grumblings in my stomach An observation of leaves upon The withered branches Straining to see beyond With the brain that inhabits my skull For moments it appears surreal Spinning whirlwinds of dust Sirens in the background whine Mist blown from the fountain by the wind Upon my face carried by the breeze It is inevitable that in the crux of thought Such things would occur Twisting its way downward into my soul Likened unto a hammer that pounds away At bone and marrow Until only dust remains It is then that I am reminded; All things return from where they came
Roarings in the hollow tunnel Wheels screeching Wildly beseeching Sparks emitting Glowing flames hidden Behind sunken eyes Who travel through the tunnel To many destinations In the city of rhuminations that thrives upon Despairs of others For the cost of fare Sit many mothers in despair Who do not care Except for the monthly check that comes In the mail for survival's sake Slowly winds the subway train Always screeching,always winding Through the city It is the hunger that drives them The unrelenting viper slithers Past platforms with gazing eyes upon it In the tunnel like a giant funnel Towards its destination-onwards it trudges Forward to the monotiny of its pace In the never ending race towards Only death can save them from a fate Impatient people in crowds silently wait Stamping their feet upon the pavements In demand with their ever searching hands For the glimpses of light at the end of the tunnels There is no time to wipe off the grime They have known love from what they read in books Their Ipod conceals what they fear to reveal Looking down upon the floor at the many feet In the hollow tunnel where wheels screech Above is the city-survival of the fittest Unlike the rodent population in the copulation Of the metro subway tunnels that funnel Those who travel unaware who do not care Awaiting them in the light are the skyscrapers Nostrils filling with the vapors Skyscrapers like giant fingers reaching towards Rusty clouds like shrouds that leap Towards shadows in the street that will not keep The televisions emit their light Radios blare on in the existence created for them Above while below Roarings in the hollow tunnel continue onwards The viper refuses to slumber Due to the number who continue to venture On metro subways that rise up into the streets
John Lee Hooker music plays in the background My eyes stare out into blank spaces The gaze is upon unseen stars cloaked Under the sun of all suns At times double vision distorts Voices permeate the air In the conglomeration upon my porch Wild animals approach within thirty feet Unaware of the fears I have known Gently foraging on the grass They are saved by grace In the evercoming winds Close by a discarded cooler Rememberance of voices As we quenched our thirsts Spirits of laughter fade in and out Upon my porch I see Thickened white hairs of my beard Bruise my face The old man grimaces and shouts out silently In the pain of happiness A lump in my throat protrudes As though my heart has been swallowed Yet I have breathed out the death of my fears Many times have I breathed Walking the breadth of the fields of wheat Music has always been sweet Even with holes in the leather of my shoes The jingle of coins in my pocket As the mighty locomotive trudges onward Belching smoke from its blackened stack Faithful dogs await me Upon my porch Yet another day is done Under this sun of all suns Which dried my tears long ago In places where no solace could be found I am in the by and by as night approaches Under the moon where stars are seen Upon my porch I see
I saw her from a distance In Central Park; Unbeknownst of my presence Songbirds heard faintly Butterflies hover about her in the Fluttering beat of wings Oblivious to such occurences As though a natural thing It is within the secret of her smile In the fragrances mixed in the air Perhaps it was meant to be But a vision of this stranger In the midst of an unrelenting city Small glimpses of innocence Shining brightly-chasing the darkness away ~ Imagination allows me such privelages Were it to be my choice Within a dream she is upon the windowsill The cuff of her floral blouse caresses her hand It is upon her shoulders Within that gentle twinkling with her eyes Such things unaware that I have seen The vine that flows from the sill Accepts the invitation from the sun There is that familiar sound of the songbirds Heard faintly in the distance Butterflies that hover about In the garden there is a bonsai tree A small ceramic pagoda is also found This is where I shall reside Within the sounds of the songbirds In the unrelenting city Where even the skyscrapers look down upon her With great reverence under the clouds Knowing the glimpse of innocence is Within their grasp Quiet eyes who have seen from the distance Within the realm of my dreams
Restless soul which resides Within my inner being The endless miles you have followed Witness to the clattering upon Decaying cobblestone streets Avenues taken in haste At first out of instinct Followed for the sake of curiosity Sitting upon strangers porch steps Deep inside there is something amiss The power of my inner being Reckoning with its caress Upon lips that prefer being held To words upon lips unto my ear In this solitude pondering The many times you consoled me As the night air brought forth tears Venturing downward upon my cheek You absorbed my shock into reality Through life's joys and mishaps Always with me before time Ever after once the barrier has been crossed Your presence shall be constant Enduring the trials and tribulations Greater psalms shall never be uttered Than what have been imparted to us Provocation on the strings of lyres Shall bring no melody greater than ours Even in the multitude of crowds We stand alone Acutely aware of our difference In the creation we thrive The roots which are deep Brings forth the vine that grows Slowly it creeps into the darkness In the coolness of the shade Only taking from the Sun its share The morning dew shall quench For in the creation we thrive
Opinions kept in silence Do not reach the ears of men Nor do they become victims To the sting of the tongue My mouth serves as a den Unto wolves who dwell within Amongst my entwined branches A beaten brow in survival Elements of time in nature Reveal such worn surfaces Yet the marrow slumbers deeply Within the safety of concealment Words spoken only encourage Xenophobia to flourish Thriving in coexistence with dreams Harmony fights against the variances Yet it cannot force itself upon the wind The beating of hearts flutter gently Solid matter holds life's essence Where the whims of thoughts Unable to penetrate the barriers Which separate and prevent The crossing over of two edged swords That would cut the bonds which hold Eternal existence of all origins Presiding upon the universe Chaos reigns in the streets Yet within the cries of the moanings Voices can still be heard Which speak with soft tongues Revealing such truths for its own sake Although such things often fall upon Deaf ears of fallen men My roots are deep into and upon Earthen places that keep me My thirst is replenished by the rains There is still great hope for all humankind Who walk upon this earth
Once on a trip to the planet Earth My taste for sushi was acquired Inhabitants of that place were fairly ugly Their ways were not much to be desired While out collecting specimens of herbs I study them for the collective The study of plants is my field of expertise In reaching my main objective In the fibers of such growths Many miracles abide My life's work holds me steady Keeping me alive inside All relative to a days work As I go from planet to planet Gallactic procedures and its rules Are steadfast and written in granite I never deviate from the plan Ever mindful of the universe With care to leave things in pristine condition In utmost priority of the obverse The only gem upon that surface When I am at ease in my home My taste for shushi which I find delicous That causes me not to roam It is a delicacy I do not wish to share Or to let its existence be discovered So I consume it secretly keeping it for myself All of the sushi I've recovered On my journeys to the planet Earth
Surrounded by walls of many colors Myths are born each time Contemplation within these walls In the presence of dying vines Stubbles replace ivy leaves A crumbling wall that grieves Of what is on the outer wall Tears from there That cannot bare Attempting to enter this space In my chair the days pass by Under the guise of the purplish sky Cries of people are muffled low Vying for position within the masses I hear their screams Within my dreams Amidst the dreams of yellow That defy the vines withered Whispers reach my ears My tears have long deserted me With closed eyes I listen The voices are like my own Reminding me from where I came
I was never morose or cynical Anger was kept well inside Others gleaned from my bones While I silently died Kindness mistaken for weakness Misread signals from shallow minds Neither looking to either side Fixed eyes onto a point straight ahead Shadows try to defy Within my peripheral vision They attempt to invade Mocking the possibilities Enslaving anyone in their path This is why I have this inner wrath My exterior is incidental to those who see Ingredients of lust within their eyes Superficial smiles looking for a quick fix They take to me on flight of wings Screeching to a halt as they swoop Upon prey intensified upon In the search of their desires Beyond or below-friend or foe Disgregard for the rising of the sun Indifference to the surroundings Brings no mind for concern Each day is lived on the edge Tainted survival is all that is known And from it such weeds have grown Becoming parasitic to every growth A humans heart is not mourned Rather it only signifies an ending To be discarded and scorned Moving on-trudging forward There are still many more to overcome Grinding bones into the dust It is the way that they must In the force that drives them Marching forward Into the abyss that has been created By those with superficial smiles
Broken bonds into freedom Flying into the abyss Not knowing what is ahead In the wake of a last kiss As a child I come unto thee With arms outstretched Accepting all that is before me Leaving the rest behind Might I fall into those arms Arms that catch me from the fall Labouring under the assumption Into safety that awaits Dependability that cannot exist In any other dimension That which I leave behind Shall not hinder what is ahead
Down in the swamps of Louisiana Blackwater Hattie hides in the bog Dabbling in magic with gators about Concealed in the fog Ice water runs through her veins As I approach her she already knows I bring her an offering of fresh tobacco To mix with the herbs she grows She gives me a look as she smokes her pipe Out on the porch in her chair She signals me to come forth I look at her pure white hair Quickly she looks me up and down Her eyes look deeply into mine Searching for the meaning of my visit Looking for a tell tale sign Nobody goes to Blackwater Hattie Unless they have dire need Some come to her for remedies Others over personal greed I jingle my coins and make my request Explaining to her slowly and trying my best I tell her of the love for my lady I want a potion to bless our love Blackwater Hattie lets out a laugh It flushes out the flight of a dove Of course she agrees and snatches my coins Dissapearing into her shack She quickly returns and hands me something In what appears to be a small sack Giving me instructions to wait til the moon Is full in the sky at night To open the sack and burn its contents Giving me also words to recite I thank her politely and begin to leave But she asks me to stay for awhile Wanting to know of the happenings in town She cracks a gentle smile Hattie reloads her pipe to the brim With my offering of tobacco I had brought Lighting it with a kitchen match Then pausing as if in deep thought She tells me a tale of a lovely maiden Who once lived in the bog She used to dance under the moonlight Followed by her faithful dog The town folk used to laugh at her Many thought her to be insane One day she dissapeared Only tales of her would remain Some say that the maiden was Hattie She neither confirmed or denied There was that twinkle in her eye as she talked Something from down inside She bid me goodbye until the next time Slowly I began to depart Never would I tell a soul in town That Hattie had seen my true heart
Under the canopy formed Along the path I walk each day Entangled together in unison Under skies of grey Brief openings where I see the sky The flight of birds under clouds Covering me from the glaring sun Friends who entangle me within them Like gentle shrouds Every one has different form Each has its own name Many times they have inspired Words which I proclaim Debts owed unto them In my many times of strife When I have sat beneath them In perspective of my life There are no words spoken Amongst these giants who defy time Still I feel they speak to me Their grandeur so sublime Each leaf that falls upon the ground Reminders to me They are the children of the trees Who make their silent plea Another generation comes and goes Seeds that have been sown Another season comes and goes Grateful in my heart to them And all that they condone I am the living voice of the trees; That float along the breeze Into the ears of all men Who walk upon this earth
Mingled trees upon the earth Ebbing within is life They speak in many ways If you have the time to listen Upon their ancient trunks rest Visons from their time Quitely they lull and observe Taking in the vibrations Each moment that goes by Within is the creation of the seed That brings forth new life In their most giving deed It is the small sprout in likeness The newborn child that comes from its roots Trees cast down lovingly Not only upon their own kind To all that is in life and nature as well Fallen trees are unsung heroes Cast upon the ground Their children mourn aloud Yet no once hears in the frenzy of the crowd Softly speaking are the voices A great thing has happened upon this day Wisdom has been passed on Their children shall grow and continue on Recalling into memory the fallen ones Dedicating their existence to them In wonder as to why man does not do the same Where words are spoken Actions are not taken The meaning of the words falls in weakness Strong branches of trees cannot hold them up Boughs thrive for their own sake Fleeing leaves in flower escape upon the winds To places where no harm can come to them Safe from words that are spoken that have no worth They are upon those winds to secret places To dwell within the earth
I wait for my son to return from the front At the gates of the railroad station He is carried on the rails of my hope The center of my own salvation Why men clash on open earth Behind it are the powers that may be From the same waters that I've earned my keep Unquestioning is the sea Sleeping under the stars is no sacrifice Too see the eyes of my son Might I ease the pain of his wounds Until the mending is done The house he was born in waits for him The bed in his room shall Once again cradle my boy The eyes of his mother filled with tears But they shall be tears of joy Sweet wine shall be upon our lips Laughter shall fill the air Soon this will be a forgotten thing In answer to my inner most prayer Hope for peace is never lost Or in the things I adore Soon my son will be with me Then my heart will soar
Looking back retrospectively Sitting on these rails Retired in serious outdated attire Many things have been heard From voices upon my seats ~ One man sits by himself in the corner His shoes tell the story of his life A weathered face of deep lines Caused by the presence of strife The beggars who cross my floors Many times in one day Some do it to support their habit Others have no other way Blank stares into open spaces In the hustle and bustle of the city Impatient feet await In a place where there is no pity Grinding of my wheels Shrill high pitches Each curve emits sparks Along the way Strangers refusing to acknowledge eachother Minds that have gone astray Grinding of the mind Shrill high pitches Each curve brings with it sparks Passing by cemeteries Children playing in parks Sirens abound to break the silence of sound Howling dogs pierce the air In rebellion they object to the invasion Of the space within their lair Vacillation within the vicissitude The vortex created is paralytic Woes go up quickly dissipating Effectuality in the erosion acidic
Cactus stand together in silence Windswept landscape of desert terrain The plight of the tumbleweed across the plains Roadrunners in the early dawn Covering ground where Buffalo once grazed Under the guise of smoke signals sent from mountaintops That wafted amidst the earthen clay Western skies abound To the silence within the sound Amongst the souls that stir Upon those mesas Where once lived the Red Man Of many tribes they were In those places entrusted Signs carved upon wanton rock Under the blazing unforgiving sun Peace within the presence of ancient stone Reptilian inhabitants who live in harmony This starved place of beauty Where antelope once thrived The cactus fondly remember Fragrant floral odors adrift As they observe the tumbleweed In its journey to places over the horizon Knowing that all things must return From whence they came
When I close my eyes The grey Leporidae Floats in the clouds Under the moon Wherever I go it follows me To the hill where my white horse roams Cool water taken from silent wells My horse quenches his thirst He too notices the Leporidae Floating in the sky above It has followed him at times Over the mounds trailed by hounds Who attempt to persue That evasive hare who remains at large Out of the reach of the relentless ones For he only shadows those he wishes Entering into their dreams When he wants to be found By the side of the brook His heartbeat can be heard In the bullrushes and willows Moonbeams gleam off the water in the brook His reflection along with the moon He floats gently back into the clouds Following,always following Like my shadow he follows He is blanketed under the stars Choosing when he wants to appear As he fades into the sky My white horse returns to his place Where cool waters are taken from wells
When I was a boy of only eight Not knowing the meaning Of the word 'segregate' My father decided to take me with him On a plane where he promised A 3-D movie and a fishing voyage on a boat Little did I think of lessons to be learned In the unfolding of this anecdote I tag this memory to the newspaper headlines The day that Clark Gable died My father explained this man was Until I was satisfied There was a lay over in the city of Atlanta I watched the planes go by in the air Listening to announcements Watching people go by quickly As a boy I became slowly aware When asking my father if I could go to the bathroom He instructed me to return Little did I know what would be ahead Or of what I was about to learn As I approached the door I was stopped By an old grey haired black man coming out He discouraged my entrance through that door Then I began to question why with a pout My father seeing the situation Quickly came to my side Questioning the man about the problem With tears in his eyes he replied He doesn't know the difference Pointing to the sign on the door It read "Colored Men" with letters wide My father directed me to the other place Where I was supposed to be After returning to his side I could clearly see My father was trying to console the man Assuring him that someday he would be free ~ This man wore a white shirt with suspenders I wish I had learned his name I remember looking up at him in his pain Tears in his eyes in his withered tired frame My father parted with sadness The man continued to cry My father explained about dignity As I watched the planes in the sky Reminding me to remember the color of his skin Made no difference-he was just a man That he still had a heart within We continued our trip to Miami But I thought of the man and his tears I still think of him to this very day After almost fifty years ~ We went on the boat I got seasick We went to the 3-D movie I caught a cold From the newfangled air conditioning That had just been invented The 3-D glasses gave me a headache We left the movie before it had finished I left Miami totally dissapointed Then after many years I realized The purpose of the trip to Miami Was that image burned into my mind Of the man in Atlanta who was crying Thereby I was able to find The true course of my heart I will never forget the lesson taught Human dignity belongs to everyone It is something that needs not to be bought From the lowest creature To the tallest human In those famous words Let freedom ring It is the melody I learned as a boy Of eight years old The song I continue to sing
My body is my shell This is the child Who lives within the shell Devoid of any emotions Surviving in my own hell Dependent on others Like a store bought doll My eyes only open on command My heart stolen in the tender years Buried deep in the sand Muffled sounds of the ocean Seashells move over my grave Perhaps I will be discovered some day In the breaking of the ocean wave Longing to hear the voice of the gulls The crashing of waves Salt water foam upon the shores The shining sun that saves Sweet warmth will shower me It will heal my tender heart Though there be scars that will always remain My soul will never depart I will once again be free to grow To catch my dreams upon the flow My life will be back in my own hands Where I will endeavor to see distant lands
This is the voice that will never be heard In flights way are those fleeting feet I shall never hear them upon the floor It is a face that I will never adore It is held in a palm of the hand Of what it is and never was The quenching of a spark In the flicker before the flame A sight seen but never meant to be I have many tears for you On this day and many days after When I look up at the sun It will be dull to me The moon will never shine Of all the many stars that sparkle None will ever gain my notice Muddy colored clouds are upon me forever It is a loss that will never be gained I throw myself upon the ground Sending woes up to the deafness of the sky Deprivation of your presence Causes me to choke on my own salivas The deep wound upon my own heart vexes me so I long to hear the hearbeat that was meant to be Raising my hands up high in my cries I mourn the loss placed upon me In your life that shall never be
With factory precision The kiln glowed Smoke billowed from the stacks Down below fires raged Being fed by human slaves Engaging in the act Involuntary servitude demanded Lest they become victims To the unforgiving ovens There they watched a race destroyed Despising their captors In the space of a dark void Hearing the feet on their way to the chambers The chambers of death Where their cries went unheard Upon many deaf ears Soon they would become silent In the ending of their fears In the chambers of death The last final gasping breath Before their bones were baked In the ovens Their ashes spread Mingled together forever In a place where only evil remains Eventually returning to the earth In death defying blessed rains Scattered they may be Remembered so that they remain free In their sacrifice and pain Blessed be the death defying rain
When my sister was born I used to watch her Sleeping alone in her crib The mobile danced about in the sunlight Packed away in the attic I still have her baby bib It has a yellow chicken embroidered That runs towards a house and the sun I've often wondered why I have kept it Since her life had begun My mother let me feel her kicking Deep in her belly she stirred It was an emotional shock to me I imagined her as the Thunderbird To know that a life was thriving inside Many nights I laid awake in thought A work had been done to bring this forth A miracle that had been wrought In the later times I looked at her feet Remembering the way she had kicked To the effect it had worked something in me My heart had been slightly pricked Thereafter was this odd connection The memory of something that came From the belly of my long gone mother The connection to which I must claim
We exchange our thoughts Strange noises enter We feel safe though In this warmth we slumber in Movement seems suspended We are floating by ourselves Yet we seem to be together There is another connection Of some sort Although we know not the source There are colors Muffled sounds from beyond Sometimes strange melodies Different emotional tones Something passing over us at times We use our limbs against it In resistance Somehow it just seems to be The only thing we can do There is another I feel who is myself That is why I refer to myself as 'We' Much of our thoughts seem to be the same Yet there are visions that we share Some of which are not my own This place I am in Seems natural but I wonder There never seems to be any change Nothing is much different I remember seeing a small bright thing Is that where I came from Or is it where I am going I'm going back into my darkness Maybe there will be more to come
Dog in the rain Are you in pain Come in out of the cold Rest yourself upon my floor With all your stories untold I will dry you off Here is water and food Lay by the fireplace and keep warm Then you will change your mood Maybe you'll stay if you like it here I won't chase you away I've got an old cat who sleeps all day The two of my might get along well But for now rest and sleep for awhile It's still too early to tell Old black dog who is no longer in the rain You are not in pain You're out of the cold now, well fed and warm Outside it is cold in the winter storm ~ Rest now old black dog You are safe within these walls
The drawing voice of the small water pond Causes me to come near If I listen closely it whispers to me Relinquishing all my fear Daffodils that grow by the edge Seem to know my concern Gently they lean towards me Immedeately to my own discern My reflection appears in the water Yet there is another much deeper Is this an appearance of my spirit guide Who is the silent gatekeeper Hopefully I wait to see what is revealed That ghostly image which remains concealed
In my dream was the Grasshopper Queen She seemed to read my thoughts I learned their ways looking through those eyes And spoke their language well How it felt to leap through grass They too had their own beliefs Introducing me to other species That hid below the leaves It was within the recurrence of my dreams When the strange teachings took place My mother and father looked on in disbelief When I told them of these things Exclaiming I had an active imagination With concerned looks upon their faces Thereafter I refrained My recurrences still continued From whence I was further trained It came to be in the humming of the tree In the flickering light of the sky Between leaves that touched me gently Hearing their lowly cry Realization of all creation Of the many things that exist Almost as if a great libation A belief I could not resist When my toys stopped talking to me Those dreams seemed to go as well Slowly the memories seemed to fade Until I had forgotten them as far as I could tell The images became faint ~ In my third year of college once again came The vision of the grasshopper queen She had not changed after all that time She was there to tell me what had not been told The remainder of what needed to be said This was to be her last appearance For she told me she would soon be dead Yet she had waited all those years Until the time had come What was imparted before she departed Was the rest of the total sum Emerging from that slumber my thoughts Life will never be the same It would be impossible to look at things Knowing full well the acclaim That all life is precious regardless Though we always assume Considering the things that nature brings From the universal womb
In the darkness I consider the universe Upon this trestleboard What finger reached out to ignite That spark of life's beginning ~ Cultures of trees that grow Tulips that lean towards the sun How many cries from those born From when this first begun Who determined the heterodox By which we chose our fate Imbibed with souls like newborn foals Both small as well as great Within the many paradoxes From creation in it's youth Contained knowledge in frontal lobes Surpassing all other truth In the expiration of everything Still the energy remains Nothing created escapes existence For we are in likeness to sand grains ~ Upon beaches; In the flow of the universe Creation is forever
Armageddon they said was upon us Each day swiftly crept by Nobody took heed to the warnings given Not even a reluctant sigh Thundering of the feet continued in the street As pollution overcame Stale air in the skies Bacteria ladened waters Syringes still in the sand Dropping from the hand That caused them to remain perpendicular The need to feed being more immense Than the ability to survive Poppy fields still thrive On this ledge I see the conglomeration In the traffic thickly below Thinking they will escape Into what? They do not see the terror in the sky It will send them into obliteration Falling short of any notion or goal All will burn slowly like embers of coal Including I as we all must die For the sake of a few who hide Deep in the mountains Gluttons who thrive on careful rations Endless movies at the taxpayers expense Yet they will see no sun through tinted windows For the blanket of smoke is dense My unrealized youth is before me Although I shall never see manhood The role models of the day seemed even lesser than I Alone upon this ledge there is peace of mind Reluctance to depart shall soon come to pass The terror in the sky draws me closer to the end Unto a place which I must ascend
This is how we spend our days With falling leaves of rusted colours Under the muddy white clouds Near the sounds of falling water Surely there is no need to expire With plenty of clover to fill our need Quiet days upon the grass Yet there is an ache in my bones I do not get up as quickly as before My appetite is not as great The inclination to rest is always with me So I take long naps by the waterfall Sleeping to the sound of rushing water Off in the distance are the mountains As evening comes upon us We sit there by the waters edges For some reason the motion Seems to bring me peace Soon we will slumber for the night Only to awaken to yet another day Under the muddy white clouds
As this child within me thrives All that is left of what survived The wound was mortal The damage was grave In cleansing waters That will not cleanse My heart was ripped but not my soul Somehow the sun seems to shine Yet it's brilliance seems dull When I look up into the clouds Or at the stars when night falls I seem to forget what it is that pains me Pink has always been my favorite color Finding a pink bunny for my comfort I know-is out of the question Still my imagination seems to keep me occupied It is only during the quiet times When traveling to my secret place In the place where safety resides Then again those quiet times When the wind is silent and the sky is strange Those hauntings come out of the past The ones-you know,that seem to strangle you The relentless pounding of those words I did not think of the manipulations My only hope was to somehow survive I am not a victim-I am a survivor The hauntings shall remain under my feet The secret place comforts me My ripped heart has scars,but it shall mend
The real music comes after hours The ones that hide in my heart I play the notes for the people who listen Yet there is music that will not impart It stays safely hidden in my bosom The kind that are made with hard tears As I laid upon my pillow on nights With no comfort for all of my fears Songs without words filled my head Expressions that go beyond all my cries It comes from that part of my soul Deep inside where no other will abide The music that makes a man whole Perhaps one day when it seems okay The crowds will hear the beat The music will flow and float out gently Onto the quiet street Candlelight flames from oil lamps will flicker In the distance are the fire flies Onward the melodies press on in time To a place where I realize That I have been searching for all my life The spark in the flickering flame To feel the beat that flows in the street Where anybody may claim Joy that is given freely unto the heart For this is all I will have to impart