

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

"Runaway Circus Boy"

The pay for my labor is the working stub
To get to see the show
Instead of that I take the five dollars
Hoping to let it grow
Not on the payroll I travel still
Working for the stubs
Trading them for my five dollar pay
Sleeping at night in the empty ride tubs
Sometimes the clowns let me run errands
Or I end up with the pachyderm's
Each day lessons are learned
Under harshend terms
That's how I cut my teeth on the show
I learned to sew the tarps where they would be strong
Braiding the ropes in bundles of sixteen
From twenty to forty feet long
Gently I talked to the harness bulls
Their trunks against my face told me clearly
I was no mere forty miler primadonna
But I was held in their eyes dearly
Kindness was shown in unspoken words
Gestures that stood fast in my mind
First sound of the ropes twisting
I knew my journey to find
Had finally come to an end

© 2007 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

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