This is Terry
But I nicknamed him Carl
That's another story in itself
Always happy about life
Makes one take a look at their self
Got him a job at the mill making pallets
He did just fine
I used to take him out with me
Before he got on at the mill
His job was to watch the hoses
To make sure there was no spill
He finally got to steer the truck
While I sat behind the wheel
Carl laughed so hard about it
He actually began to squeal
Found out the guys at the mill were teasing him
They pinched him on his side
The entire length of his torso was bruised
When I saw it I immedeately cried
Carl had this look on his face
Wondering at my tears
I decided then and there
That I would end his fears
The assembly of hooligans like never was seen
We waited by the old saw mill
Those jerks who bruised Carl sighted us
Out through the back they went
Dispersing over the hill
Although they escaped certain harm
We sent out the small town alarm
They got the message loud and clear
No longer would Carl have to fear
The owner of the mill got informed
Shadowens was his name
He was also visibly shaken
And thought it was pretty lame
One by one those jerks got fired
Until there were none left
Carl was his own happy self again
No longer in pain or bereft
He is my lifetime buddy
I got him a dog last fall
He likes his dog-the dog likes him
There is the story of Terry wherewithal
© 2007 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved
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