

Sunday, July 8, 2007

"In The Year 2231"

In the year Twenty Two Thirty One
A person will read these words I've spun
Age old verses still alive
Lessons and lore that still survive
They will taste of days gone by
Sit there to ponder and wonder why
How we lived and spent out days
Had our children and taught our ways
Eight generations will have expired
Who read the words and had admired
Then passed the prose on to who would come
So they could feel the total sum
Of a different beat that was in the world
Of those who played the tune
Refusal to allow the words to die
To end up in the ruin
I dedicate all my prose
To those who will be born
Though you will know of me-I never will you
Lest ye celebrate me rather than mourn

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

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