This blog was created for others who will hopefully glean something from the words I have written.Not much to say except I ran off from an orphanage when I was 13 years old.Hopped on a freight train and joined the circus.Have been wandering ever since.I am grateful to be alive and my only desire is to leave something here for others to gain from.If I can accomplish that then I have successfully reached my intended goal.All we have left in the end is our legacy.
Our child is the sentinel We are the monoliths who embrace Muddy clouds filled with birds Under skies projecting grace With age we have grown Larger than life before our own eyes Humble existences we have had Decades go quicker than we realize Arms that still contain youth In this endeavor to preserve truth We soon shall moulder in our graves Yet not before the heart which craves Sorted flight to our private dreams Whether they be upon land Or upon waves of glory Shared moments in time ours forever The monoliths who have embraced Enduring the structures of time
The basoon stands erect waiting Cymbals lay in wait Violas and Cellos stare him down For what they will create Violins are ready to attack him At the raising of his hand The commander shall appear momentarily Bringing to life the band Will they be playing a waltz today Kettle drums look to xylophones The oboe is resting silently Deep down you can hear its moans Maybe it will be a concerto this time The symphony waits Maestro makes them impatient To see what he creates He is the master who brings them together The woodwinds meet the brass The grand piano shines brightly Its surface as smooth as glass He approaches the stage The instruments stir All is silent and well Waiting for his hand to rise up The audience begins to swell When it is finished there is rest The sea returns to placid reform Long after the silence nobody knows There is still a raging storm Within the conductor He tries to wind down Inside he is satisfied ever so mildly Thinking of the next time around When he will cause the music to flow In his place that only he can know
Looming smokestacks overlook My father works in this place Soon he will be able to go home Together we will walk a brisk pace The five mile distance to home Where his dinner awaits Mother sits by the table in the kitchen Having already set the plates Maybe we'll sit on the porch for a bit If father is not too tired Listening to the music on the radio In this simple life he's desired I always help mother clear off the table She never has much to say It is peaceful in this house of mine Grateful for each single day When school is over I work the fields But I never fail to meet father We walk the miles together each day And it is never a bother I lay in my bed late at night Wondering of what will be When I will work and have a home If I will have a child to wait Who will walk the miles with me
Although my appearance Comes to you as a blind man Those who seek me upon Solid terra firma My sight extends beyond Such distances that most Would care to understand In this darkness There is more peace than lonliness The bright light is at my side And within me as well A lantern in likeness to a beacon One that steers lost ships From fog filled cliffs That clutter the shores of ones mind The crossings are a leap of faith Therefore I have no real fear of it Since darkness rules the abyss Of which there is no ending My plunge is validated By hands which search for me They touch my mind as if braille Read by the passing of my fingers When you reach out a hand is there Although it is dark and unseen Rest assured it is there The stumbling block is intentional It is there to cause the chaff to flee One pass through the darkness Light awaits on the other side This is how I manage to have sight The fog clears away You can find it in my music if you listen Find me on the street corners With my accordion I play the melody for you Act quickly notes only hang in the air for so long
On midnight winds I appear Fear not my intentions are not to harm Life ended quite abruptly for me Before my chances to love came Virginity will forever be mine I have only kissed the wind Longing to feel warmth in this cold Ascending momentarily hoping To touch upon a human heart A voice heard from afar Is in itself enough to bring me comfort Might I sleep with the sound of a voice Echoing sweetly in my ear Bringing me solace in replacement Of those days in which I lived I were as if unripened fruit Upon a tree waiting for my season In which to bloom in natures glory Yet that season did not come As winter is in pristine sterility Such as it were my blooming Never saw fruition in the bearing of seeds The song of the bird was taken But its wings never took proper flight In its nesting the laid eggs never hatched Deprivation of incubation occured Much as in my own vision was blurred The taste of honey in the air is in my mind There it shall remain However- I still hold true to my faith of creation Look for me on these nights Of midnight winds Knowing my true intentions If I were to appear please feel free Acknowldge me if you will You will not be dissapointed by my abandonment I will not abandon thee You will find yourself looking for me When midnight winds are blowing softly Only then shall I place my tears into your hands
Determined men in hostile skies Lefty Lestz in the B-25 A highly decorated war hero Of which I never knew Shithouse Mouse was the name of his bird That flew those fearsome skies The flying fortress spewing death As into the clouds it would rise Well meaning men who had different lives Lefty played ball for the White Sox Until came the call for war He never imagined what was ahead Fighting the Afrika Corps The exposure to death and destruction Had great effect on his mind Taking him to places of terror From which he would never find The peace he had known from times past A haunt on his patterns of thought Downed with malaria-sent packing home All of the work he had wrought Unable to return to his love of baseball His greatest joy in life Taking on other meaningful work Attempting to alleviate his strife Still the B-25 haunted his dreams Many a night waking up to his screams With his mind injured beyond repair Only he knew of his own despair A fatality of those events The mortal wound chronic in form Two decades later it struck out There was no quell within the storm For the haunts to stop To end the strife Finally succumbing to the ending of life On the lonely shores of the cruel lake The final spark of him it would take I used to play with his medals as a child Pinning his stars to my shoulder In remembrance of the look upon his face His stare out into space He remembered his comrades who molder Finally hell fire rests In a thing long past due Rest in Peace Lefty Lestz The man in the B-25
You once told me I haunted your dreams Do I haunt you soul as well Release me from my prison within the rain Allow me to rest in the warmth of your folds Let your sweet juices engulf me tenderly Wrap your hair around my neck and over my face Let me sleep upon your back with gentle kindness Holding your hands within mine Let us listen to eachother breathe In the night air I will sleep softly You will make it a sweet slumber for me We will sleep through the days and nights The rain pelting upon our rooftop It only makes us want to sleep longer into the days So that we may own the nights together How long can you keep from me We haunt eachothers dreams Our souls are haunted endlessly You go to work everyday But I am your work You know the miles that separate us Mere milestones that appear along the winding path Distance is only a metaphor We cannot hide from outselves forever The warmth of my sun is hidden from me Clouds prevent it from making its appearance It is cold without its rays upon me Blankly staring into the ice I wait for my sun to shine down You are my sun Releasing me from my prison within the rain
I cry in my heart silently Trying to touch their calling in my mind They can be felt deep in my throat Their laughter is drowned out in my sorrow They fly encircling my lonely tree The ocean is drenched in their tears Upon my feet I see them crawling They are hoping to see me watching Their eyes can see me clearly As I stand upon my rock Counting crows in the air As they begin to gently mock They feed upon the people Tapping into the fear They are without conscience Mistaken kindness as weakness Their intentions are quite clear
I have laid in this field many times Staring blankly up into the sky My eyes pierce the linings of clouds There are no stars beyond them In this endless sky that toils Under a sun that blazes In fields of silent wheat ~ I am hidden from the world Probing eyes that would engulf Searching but you will not find me Smiling beyond your sight Under your shoes is fresh soil But it leads you not to the path Where I have walked before your arrival Tardiness is not becoming of you Therefore you were abandoned by me I did not wait for you very long The call of the voice hearkened unto my ear Whilst I hid myself in the welcoming fields Nearby the place where I dwell ~ I can see my good farm in the distance My dog waits for me by the roadside He knows I am near but still far away Yet he is faithful to my presence With a glad hearts he awaits Knowing my time in the fields Is not a form of abandonment But rather it is a sharing of myself With the other elements that abound All part of the oneness in being Of which all parts formed together Equal the mass of more than one ~ He knows I will fill my chair in good time That I will come to him from the fields of wheat He will see my face rise up from the place Where once stood stalks of corn He understands That this is the season of the cutworms The hollow sound of the bark upon trees Hearken the coming of premature turning of the leaves Faded grasshoppers with torn wings trudge on The monarch butterfly slowly dies upon the dew A songbird rises up early in the morning It is seen to take flight across the fields He does not return until the setting of the sun When the moon begins to rise It is the song of songs unlike any unto an ear Has been heard at any other time This is the language that relies on harmony It is the voice that hides in the fields Within the trees and upon the tree tops It is in the hearts of birds and even the bats As well it is in the heart of my dog who awaits me He knows I am in the field of wheat When he sees my face he will shake his limbs In anticipation as I am seen from off afar The distance is irrelevant in time The language between us fills the gap As though we were already side by side I am coming to him but am already there Steadfast as I forage homeward bound The sound of the railroad train is behind me That track which I once traveled and spied Across these very fields and I saw The place where I would one day be Then it was made true All these things imagined before they were seen It is no suprise to me at all For I knew my place before I was ever there The fields in which I lay spoke to me long ago As I passed by on the tracks quickly And heard them speak
Boyhood laughter upon the beach Recapturing the times of my youth The waves upon the shore Sound as they did long ago My brothers voice is heard in the distance Across the unchanging dunes Then I realize 50 years have passed Before my very eyes The lighthouse at the end of the pier Still stands as it did before Children filling their sandpails Parents who watch and adore Gulls passing silently by On this timeless Michigan shore The childrens laughter sounds familiar From days of long ago For a brief moment I forget Then it is time to go I cannot grasp that which fades Ghosts that linger from the past For only a moment to envision Images that have quickly amassed I am thankful for the days Which became more to me than a dream
Sing to the walls though they be crumblin' Though they be peelin' mighty too What's this thing that I'm feelin' They call it the tater house blues ~ I got the blues inside of me a hollerin' Nobody can know of the pain Listen to my guitar a playin' I'm a singin' in the Alabama rain ~ Water keeps risin' by the river No cotton crops this year My mammy keeps a crying She's got taters in the house But no way to see herself clear ~ She's got the tater house blues The tater house blues I'm a playing her a song About the tater house blues There's no stoppin' her from cryin' O'er the tater house blues No cotton in the fields No work for our mule Nobody is a dancin' They got the tater house blues We're gonna dig and be dug Until we pay our dues There's no stoppin' this Alabama rain It brings with it all of the pain Work from the time the sun rises high Until it sets-we surely won't die Woe is me to that earful of news Everybody's got the tater house blues
My heart drops like a bell in my mouth One more look down the road Just to make sure the dog isn't following Before I loosen my load Last night as the moon so bright I heard the voice call to me Down that road I must go Until it is clear that I'm free Dust filled boots by the time I'm done Small towns seem to pull Any place seems to do For I am just a fool Keep on chasin' that voice that calls Echoes in my ear Afraid to stop answering its call Mostly out of fear Someday I'll head to home for good Runnin' days at end Until that day I'll keep on rolling The road is my only friend
When my nap was finished My first sight in the sky It was part of my dream Realizing that mighty warrior In his austere pose How ever rough the edges But still a gentle rose Many battles had he fought Travel in the plains The buffalo hunt sacred Its spirit commands respect Asking its forgiveness For the taking of its life It understands and responds Loking upon his oppressors With mutual respect Love based on principle The energy makes its rounds Once again it shall return To its own nature within the sounds All that was taken given reverence Humble the warrior bows The greater a man who walks Upon the land He is even great in his life And in his death If he yields to nature's creations Every thing that is affixed in place The steady moving pace Of a world that turns methodically Upon the warriors face You can see his love of creation In the sweetness of his eyes
In the midst of the light We shall dance together Although it is just in my mind There is no tune But the silence of the moon Where we might hope to find That common ground where spirits meet Until that time is incomplete I want the stars As you dance with me I want the waves Crashing in the sea I shall order galaxies to stand silent Until our time is complete Come meet me in the sky tonight I promise to be discreet
You are in the middle of the road; There you sit in the darkness; I have to come and save you from yourself; I am old,you are fragile; I will take you to your sister; She will thank me and give me a kiss; I will be sent away promptly; Resting in the knowledge; You are no longer in the middle of the road; I almost forgot to ask you; How will you repay me for what I have done; Oh you ask me now what is it I want; Two things then since you ask; I would like to see you smile each day; Look at the moon each night at midnight; I will do so also,then write me a poem about it; See? I have asked for more than you can give; Yes I know I asked for three things; But what does it matter; You have no intention of filling my order; Still I will come to rescue you many times more; When I look at the moon each midnight; I will smile for you and write the poem; Maybe someday you will read them aloud; It is doubtful that I will ever see your smile though; Even my poems cannot reach your heart;
Look below-here I am! Embedded into the cobblestones Under the shoes my marker thrives My soul still walks in that which survives Auschwitz took our lives But not our spirits which still roam People sometimes barely look Yet here we are still within the world Markers that bear out our names Concealing the pain we endured How sweet it was to find death Escaping the joy of our tormentors Victory was in the deprivation At that moment in time we ceased No longer victims We died but we also survived If you remember us even but for a moment We are still creating sparks Blank images though they may be Our lives still take on meaning Our sacrifice still serves the people Long after what took place Terror in the people's eyes is no longer For this we serve to make them stronger Tin markers where you travel Your journeys touch us with your leather Then we know it is safe As we rest in our places in the soil
Black swan in dark waters
You were once my muse
Settled in while the ripples
Play about you in delight
Once you caused my heart to beat
Until your vanity appeared
Causing you to become silent
Ostentation became conspicuous
The distances of the chasm
Represented interruption of continuity
Therefore I had no choice
Leaving you in your solitude
True affection became an infraction
Much like a rift in broken trust
An impending apparition of true self
In its ominous presence
Having great extent from one side to the other
Stands thickly in the way
The bidding of farewells is not by choice
Self preservation and tiredness
In the tearing down of walls
Keeps the other swans far from me
I can feel their hearts beating for me
Their cygnets want to sit in the palm of my hand
Therefore I will observe you from a distance
Devotion of our fond memory still survives
You know the place where it resides
Side by side they roam the planks Wharf whiffling for a free meal The dive bombers Have had a hard day at sea Looking for a fish they can steal It's their famous staring game They know how to play it well Six beady eyes staring you down Only a meal will quell They are the pelican kings Birds clear the way when they arrive Like statues they remain in their place Barely looking alive The whifflers shake their mean beaks Acting like beatnicks without fear You will end up feeding them eventually So they will leave the pier Night fishing is the only way To avoid their glaring eyes Early in the morn they are there once again For they are old and wise Gentle pelicans of the sea
Precognition is imbibed in the magpie He patiently in silence awaits On occassion the killing of a sparrow In submission to the order of fates A magpie knows how to heal their wounds Unto the mending of broken wings Mocking the calls of the other species In every melody it sings It treads on unfamiliar paths Knowing the ways of survival It senses the coming of impending storms Taking shelter before its arrival Its implementation of time as a tool The magpie is far from being a fool Able to see far beyond the horizon Its home is where it desires Survival is the name of the game In all that the magpie acquires A magpie trusts no one not even its own Blood of blood-bone of bone Crows and ravens approach with care The watchful magpie allows them to pass In flight he travels to his secret place Where no other may ever trespass In his mind he is solid in all ways Content to be free til the ending of its days He sits yonder upon his own branch Out of harms way in the light of the day He is a sentinel unto his ownself
There is nothing left of my hands anymore The bones have been broken to powder Fingers that are twisted into ugliness Memories of stale corn chowder I stare out my window at the ferris wheel A skeleton of something that was The institutional styled windows filtering in sunlight In a way that light in trickery does While the general crowd marches to the tune There are but a few who choose a different path In rebellion standing in the gap The regular crowds sense our rath The broken boned hands are looked upon It is but a badge worn out of reluctant disgust When all the crows are made to fall into line The magpie does not trust It is upon the roof on its own Mending its broken bone Planning its departure when it heals Not caring what the rest of the flock feels Let them fall in line and love disgrace They have let those demons enter in through the back door It will follow them down the road for years Until the hauntings from days of yore Particles of dust that float in the air To the great halls in the dormitory of fears Soon comes the days of the ending of ways And no more shall you see the endless tears Of the innocent lambs taken to the slaughter Wherefore they are used as meat To fill the stomachs of a stench filled room A bloody act in endless repeat I am going down the road away from it all My bones have been broken beyond repair My heart has been smashed-my mind raped But I am not in despair That ferris wheel has given me hope I shall seek it out in the hail and the rain The death wish is replaced in my escape As I hop on the railroad train
Another day under the sun I'm on my way again Grab ahold of the boxcar rungs I hear the sound of the solitare wren It sings to me each time I go I hear it on the train Rumbling over the rails listening To the patter on the rooftop of rain The sun is about four o'clock on high By noon tommorow I'll be Somewhere in the state of Wyoming Sleeping under a tree The night will come and I will make fire Perhaps an old dog will pass my way Together we'll eat some venison jerky And enjoy the warmth of the coals in decay Then a few logs more on the dying fire As I stare into the fire with my gaze My old friend the stray dog asleep I think of the latter days Of riding the rails with familiar friends To the next place where the carnivals exsist Another day-another way Where time is never missed It rolls on like the railroad train All the faces are fixed in my mind And I am inclined to leave behind The discarded memories that someone will find Written words on paper made on a whim Or written upon the boxcar walls A good tasting cigarette is upon my lips As I listen to the distant calls
Spectrums of color intensely present In the prism of a vortex in the dream I see the world in black and white Through the eyes of the Sephardim Their interloping ways are reality That live in the first Five Books The world is Midrash-food for thought Diversity exsists between Millionaires and common crooks Though both come from the same mold One stands in the corner while the other is bold ~ Faces upon faces are in wireframe Every town starts to look the same Markers on roads from the year before The hungry dog beckons at your side He is frail compared to the toys on the shelf There he sits with eyes opened wide Somehow he knows that you will take him Down the road that is ahead For this town will soon be an after thought Just another place on a map that is dead It's a one shot deal and I never look back I don't care about any feedback I work from my pocket and hustle in the street To hear the pounding of the many feet The faces look all the same Some are wild-some are tame Some are sad and in despair Some are looking for a way to deter Islands of happiness mixed into the mist Refusal to accept that they do exsist Step right up and see what you get I've just traveled two thousand miles From down in New Orleans I came up I'm a gypsy man who reconciles I am one with the road that goes Nothing can stop me-not even woes Of the many who want to feel the juice The electricty that emanates in the light Standing in the street and feeling the beat Knowing that everything will be alright Just like the dog who sleeps at my feet His belly is full in his slumber He already knows his place in the action All are assigned a number It might be old Route 66 Or highway 41 No question about star crossed roads Until we are completely done At the many cross roads where I see the faces Eyes that probe me so deep I have so many miles yet to go And so many promises that I must keep
Just one more mile for me to go I'm so tired I just want to rest Sure wish someone would come by To help me get abreast There is a camp just over the hill Where they have what I need I'll just rest here for awhile I sure hope I succeed To have a fate like many others Who lost their mothers My village is gone-all are sleeping In the ground that is keeping No more smiles from my brothers No more laughter from my sisters No more singing from my mother My father died long ago Nobody else that I know To help me in my journey I must do this on my own I have not eaten in many days I will just rest here and sleep awhile And dream of railways That will carry me to lands Where plentiful things abound I want to laugh and play again And escape this cursed ground It is lonely-I am scared But I will sleep awhile When the sun goes down a bit I'll finish this my crooked mile ~ Sleep keeps me from feeling the hunger pangs;
There is no correction For my disconnection As to what has occured My vision is blurred Too many tears to express my fears Part of my world has ended ~ I am able to cope As I cling to a hope That part of me is found As I wander the land Too weak to demand I am sick with illness at my loss ~ The tears choke me inside I feel as if part of me has died To the utter sickness of dread Inside I am truly dead Loves of my life where have you gone Do you not hear your mothers song It is for you I cry my tears Come home to quench my fears You have been gone too long ~ I will not give up hope to find It will forever be in my mind That you are always close to my heart It will be impossible for me to depart As much as it is my soul
The lady of the sea Her face haunts me so String of pearls entwined About her graceful neck She emerges from the water The glance from her eyes No words need be spoken Revival of a soul that dies Crashing waves cannot contain Thrashings unto the sand Its miniscule grains escape punishment Within the clasping hands A decade goes by She utters not a word Her movements are as the graceful bird There is still that look within her eyes They speak a million words Under a blanket of clouded skies In this twilight of brief joy In her is the distant star That grants me no wish Upon my heart I reliquish all my pain For a moments peace in sleep Upon her lap If I were her child within my dream I would not stray far When my floatation upon the sea Draweth me out beyond the sandbar She would gently bring me back To safety upon those shores With her reassuring eye upon me My drawing breath until the last Knowing my future was not past There she would be in my awakening With her hauntings to keep me intrigued She is the lady of the sea With her pearls wrapped around me Keeping me safe forevermore
It was within that nature of her eye That first beheld me so On that sandy beach she slumbered She was found wanton Sand mingled with perspiration Her pungent musk perceived Derived from elements Strangely enough it draws me Such grains of sand upon her face They speak to me quietly The mind meld occurs Only up to certain points The buoy bell is heard offshore I know my place and my boundaries Its distraction reminds me This figment of my imagination Merely a vision of the mermaid Who rested upon the shore It is no wonder she does not speak Within the scope of my vision Her iris speaks a thousand words Standing on cold slats beneath my feet They protect me from her burning coals The vibration of the heart pounds It is not my heart that ponders In rythmic response to the bell I cast her out into the ocean Returning her to the place From whence she first approached Grains of sand are washed away Returned to their origins Only the image of her eye remains As she descends to her home Deep within the oceans of time
Restraint applied to hands Damaged much like my soul Sleeveless shirts are not an option Those deep wounds which are now Scars upon me mark My inner voice and spirit Know what makes me tick That unrelenting pressure Must somehow escape I sit within the rows of corn Crows inhabit the trees Down low I must go To avoid the putrid breeze Unseen in the stalks that grow Life goes on with or without me Bruised bodies and minds Cosmetically arranged Camouflage to stifle the masses Whom their selves are deranged Drawn lines by those Who determine where sanity ends I project my actions of the past Upon the wall for all to see None of them can agree Which chapters give them erections Yet their foul mannered minds Consider in all directions What chink in the armor Displays my inner weakness In darkness I abide Knowing full well about hell How kindness is mistaken As that weakness Which in their wild imaginations They seek to exploit Catch me if you can assholes But look yourself in the mirror That is if you can look directly into your eyes Looking down deep into the abyss In observance of that which dies There is nothing here for you Look to yourselves for a quickening Project your own images upon the wall It is you then who will fall In your shameless state of vanity To keep you in accepted sanity By others who you call brothers Like Skulls and Bones In overtones Hiding in the shadows Not in the clear What makes you so different From my own fear Yet I sit in these rows of corn With hands securely bound Protected not from myself But from being found Wanton in the way with idle hands Walk on you soldiers of fortune In unwelcome lands Judge me and give me a label If that makes you feel stable I am laughing inside My smile is wide This is why I secretly abide Within my own self Protection is needed sorely Until you have wandered away
Fairest amongst thousands Altogether lovely Even in crowds that congregate Shuffling feet however discreet Will not allow perfection to consummate Inconspicuously they smelt as ribbons Tied together in one great rope Bridge the gap in lapsing spirits Indifferent to those who grope Wearily they hang on to false hope Clicking and beating out their song Sparrows flight over acursed ground Ne'r do they acknowledge sound In their fright they steal away Leaving the fields astray Disivisons within nature's way The hermit rose of crimson Flourishes in the field of gold It needs no other to gather for itself The rays of the gleaming sun Warmth to its petals in likeness A brocade in its own right Silently it sways in the wind Refusing to allow variances To close it off from within
I know I will always be loved Until the end of time Whether I die desolate in the street Or quietly in my bed Messages in bottles strewn Along the beaches Reaching those who find them Such words written That beam with light Afterwards they know Everything will be alright What has been sought in the debri Vital messages meant only for one ear It is the way out of their fear My recompense for uprooting life Gently planting seeds in bottles Casting them upon the oceans Wherever I may be How many will grow from this That I will never see It is rather the planting That brings satisfaction Nature will do the rest Discarded empty bottles remain As vessels that retain Empty hollow bottles That capture the heart momentarily Destroying all their pain
Sleeping quietly upon my headboard If I don't wake in his time He will hop onto my pillow Gently pulling at my eyebrow Inspection of my ear may occur Escape is impossible When the pillow goes over my head He can be felt walking up and down Until he lifts up the quilt at my feet Pecking at my toes He will surely see to it that I rise Just as the sun must rise each day Where ever I go he will follow Eating food from my plate He has imprinted himself upon my heart How I wonder if he could speak We spend out time wondering He wants to be like me I want to be like him A great eagle in ways Majestic in pose Sleeping in my pocket He will slumber In the safety of my clothes
Elevated he briefly stated Thou shalt be in paradise with me It lies beyond these double doors We shall lay with society's whores Fear not the place in potter's field To my words give yield I speak no more My breath is gone Soon shall come the evening dawn We know not when the sun shall rise Yet it knows of our demise Verily it peeps over the cusp Of a horizon That burns the souls Who dig our holes Out in potter's field Where ravens rest their wings Doves go by The church bell rings Think upon these ponderous things You who are amongst the living dead Your unique feeling of what you dread Is all in your head Paranoid drama that haunts you so Sexless pretenders to and fro Thank the Gods that death saves us From your meaningless words Our time is spent listening to Songs of gentle birds Who mourn more for our souls Than you ever will in your lifetime For you are just the living dead Old and worthless before your prime Yea though we walk through this Valley of death We have no fear of crossing paths With your kind ever again
Hey your lookin' pretty good with that hat on; And that smile on your face; I like that look it really suits you; Somehow I know you are agressive for your age; Imagination places you on top of me; Looking down you will say; Aha old man now what will you do; You have come to my town unannounced; Now you are my prisoner; To do with as I please; You will write a poem for me each day; Or I will not let you up from your place; On top of me you say; Why do you think I chose you; Old men would not know what to do with it; Even when offered; But they contemplate greatly; I will tap into your wisdom; After you are drained; I will cast you aside; Like a vampire does when there is no more blood; Lay there passively mind you; Do not let my outer beauty beguile you; Inside me is a passion you will never see; But I will draw pictures for you in your mind; The mere insight will drive you insane; Then you will write no more for me; I will bury you under my floorboards; Each night I will make love to your bones; Reading what you have written for me; You will hear and I will tell you about the moon; Then you will know; I truly loved you from the time I first saw your face; This is why I have buried you close to me;
Acutely aware of the shadow Quickly making haste Cruel kindness of its memory Haunting but caressing me so Allowing it to touch me My sighted blindness Apparent in its evasion Allusions of love But I am not quite sure Its delusion is an allegory The eidolon blunders in chaos My desire to capture her lonliness Is a fallacy well known Her heart belongs to loving kindess I have no right to claim for my own The verity of my situation The shadow within the recess Of the alcove in my mind Merely the shadow upon the wall Secluded in its own safety In rememberance of this I keep my visions to myself as my own
A man brought me coffee Early this morning Also a muffin to eat Hunger pangs overcame me Last night I heard my stomach growl Shadows on the brick wall Began to scowl They danced all evening on my brain Refusing to refrain Their behavior despicable Moreso than the people on the street Most have been kind I have come to find Knowing that I am blind Has probably helped in many ways Oh I was offered shelter many times Trouble is I feel confined Not the way I want to die as well I'll trade the comfort of a soft bed any day For the crisp sound in the street The loud bell that sounds in my mouth People hear it who know me Strangers hear it for what its worth In this world of mirth In the mire of the amusement Their contemtible behavior is acceptable What-without them I would never know Where the battle lines are drawn Between good and evil Thankfully there is more good born Which greets me every morn Its boundaries unfold into my darkness Carrying me farther than I ever dreamed
Thinking about me? I am under your shoe as we speak When I leave this world do not look for me I will be there in the dust; If you must Try not to think of me When you are at the rivers edge I am there as well Along with your forebearers In the streets of Bombay On top of the head of the Sacred Cow When its tail swats at the flies You will well remember me I am the fly who always gets away The others who have fallen Are novices at what I do
Sweet eyes of my father In my own eyes I can see The vision of the ancient Cherokees. Sweet sacred inspiration That he passes on down to me, Heartbeat of the gentle Cherokee. And I heard him say... That's just the way love is When love is bliss.
And we will walk the mighty circle Double cross the hands of time. Laugh and we'll cry as egos die Until we get to the other side Put on our wings and fly.
The soul of sweet forgiveness Walks his path with dignity. With the wisdom of The ancient living Cherokee I come from his deep water As much like him as I can be. And I carry to my own children The promise of the Cherokee. And I heard him pray... That everywhere God is Let freedom live.
And we will walk that sacred circle Double cross the hands of time As nations die and hearts unite Til we get to the other side Put on our wings and fly ~ Song of Monolah Sing of Mother earth Let every man live free Let every voice be heard Let every child be born Knowing the way.
And we will walk that sacred circle Join our hands across all time. Living in peace we believe We're gonna get to the other side. We're going to put on our wings and fly When we get to the other side. Join our voices across the sky Til we get to the other side.
We're gonna wear our Cherokee pride When we get to the other side. We're gonna leave this world behind When we get to the other side. We're going to put on our wings and fly When we get to the other side. Join our voices across the sky Til we get to the other side. We're gonna wear our Cherokee pride Til we get to the other side.
We're gonna leave this world behind When we get to the other side. We're going to put on our wings and fly When we get to the other side. Join our voices across the sky Til we get to the other side. We're gonna wear our Cherokee pride Til we get to the other side.
Rotting meat has its advantages
Unless it is liver
In the orphanage where I grew up
Liver was not consumed by the chosen few
In its raw form it became to some
Within the precipice of the mattress
Soon thereafter flies would lay their eggs
Forming maggots upon the floor
Protesting voices like Portnoy's Complaint
Not I the culprits exclaim emphatically
As for myself my preoccupation was tobacco
Camel cigarettes had alot of meaning to me
But still I knew about the rotting smell
Meat upon meat in the middle of the night
To the sound of the springs that squeak
Clanging radiators drown out their sound
In the wintertime when it is cold
I am bitter with resentment
Warm weather silences the radiators
And the smell of ejaculation is upon my nostrils
Once again-
Institutional tiles on the floor
No longer reminders of the chess board
It is the place where maggots congregate
When flies seek out the smell of rotten meat
There I sit upon the sill in my room
Looking out into summer time
Waiting for winters gloom
I walk away from the vortex of delerium
Leaving those behind who walk into the spiral of light
I am a shadow who observes from a distance
Amidst the souls who clamber towards the top
Like insects who are drawn into the light
Shadows at play can only touch Memories observed in the mind Remaining long after their presence Wherein they may hope to find Similar shadows to make acquaintance Brief encounters seem to imbue Upon my bench I search for them Blending in as I do On my bench a squirrel visits me Is he trying to get into my head I think not his interests are simple He wants a piece of my bread Little does he know it is already his His curiosity makes my heart leap Momentarily his company is noted Along with the shadows I will keep Two lovers kiss on the hopscotch sidewalk Small tornado like winds kick up Leaves with debri around them Spinning randomly as if to say We are glad to see you here today And what of the man who sits on the bench He is entertaining an aging squirrel Might we come closer a bit To give them an extra twirl Yet we are in attendance of these shadows Here we will remain for our time We are the narrators of gestures In mocking shadows that mime
I got the mainstreet hobo blues Down there in the leaves that blow Upon my bench once again In that place that only I know I'm down on my knees Almost to the point of the Madman's blues Having overpaid my dues Serves me right to suffer On the big road going Paychecks small in between Walked all night long Into the rain that is now gone Trying to find the light Its alright though-its alright Been down on my knees and my luck before Comes with the territory I aint goin' down the road by myself Got what's inside of me The clothes on my back I'm soon headed for the railroad track Talkin' to myself Tryin' to find somebody else Someone named me That's why I'm talkin' to myself I walked-I talked to who else could it be My dimples are cute but I'm face to face With nobody else but me My name is wanton wanderer Lovin' things in my own way I love to see the people walk Children who play in the park Dogs who bark I've seen the devil in the dark Down on my knees Sitting on another one of my benches Down in the lonely park A rolling stone gathers no moss I aint got no boss Just me
From whence it came It now returns Silent in its journey As it has always been Everything that occured Still within its intellect Now lost to the ages Signifying another birth It leaves behind a legacy The only portion to signal That it was ever there Weepings upon the earth Mourn not It's loss Still walking near the cool streams In the meadows and in the dew The nervous hare is calmed Quietly it basks in the sun Unaware that it has company It resides next to him Silently observing the way he breathes He is safe and alone But so is that secret presence It is allowed to look even closer This is the great reward that awaits
Death's peace no longer evades me Men shall look upon me for the last time Before my decay repels them I was last touched before my lovers demise Desire no longer within me A blackened sun offered no solace to me Cold Ivy in my garden crawled on my skin Its vines choke my heart Stealing my breath that I bestowed Upon my lovers ear This morning when I woke; The song of the bird was cherished For the last time it graced my ear It's voice called out to me A single tear formed in my eye But there it remained Unable to venture any further on its own Those things that are within me Unable to go forth any longer My last sight as it faded from me Was the sweet light of the sun It turned back to light No longer blackened and able It brings me solace and the ivy does not crawl Once again I dream of my breath Upon my lovers ear As I kiss his locks of hair that are Within my entwined fingers Laying there silently watching him sleep
Blood stained corner of the walls The jackpot rabbit verily falls Urban legends fail to amuse This addict of carrots dies well Now he knows the difference Between the fields of hell My jazz listening pet rats Know what the beat is about They click their fingers Tap to the music Unable to protest or shout They eat their fill Not willing to risk Their guts being blown Against the wall Like the martyred hare Sweet jazz rolls from the radio Into their ears and out to the street Where innocent souls meet As they bear witness To the fallen hero of urban legends
His hatred of love His love of hatred Caused the words to flee Gingerly they remained Sensing his quaint understanding This failed poet became obsolete His muse now within himself The tombstones behind him Observe what entails his mind Slanted views of surroundings Imperiled within that whirlpool Its visible mass of fire and flame The cirque envelops him As the steel walled glaciation Within its bowl the water at the base Slowly drowns him Yet his twitching fingers will not Reach out for help He dies within the meanings Ecclesiastes envelops him Ants will feast upon his eyes The energy escapes his brain Unborn words float worthless In the sea of inebriation His gift to the world is folded Placed neatly in its place Foundering in the deep waters It is sunken treasure Waiting for reclaim to those who seek it Search for the dead man's chest
The corridors are quiet Footsteps cease upon the carpet The hare dons his gloves in silence Preparing to take on the feline As it observes the mad rabbit Spectators have been milling around In the museum all day Now there are only the guards Who momentarily interupt See my shadow upon the wall He states to his feline friend The artist who carved out your image Never thought of any of this Let us shadow box in the moonlight We shall get our exersize in spite of them We will talk throughout the night Staring at eachother by day When we have disagreements We shadow box Even if we dont have disagreements We shadow box We wag our tails at eachother a bit Then lay down and take a nap together This makes it all worthwhile Keeping the secrets we share
I emerge from the dark forest Not wanting to wear out my welcome This is done while the world slumbers The odds are if played by the numbers Nobody will notice my presence When I sit upon my wall The ladder is concealed Otherwise it would be gone Since I am no climber of sorts Scaling my own wall would be a task One that might not play itself out Safety is the first concern It is not the fall from the wall It is in my journey from the darkness Into the light Anonimity must be maintained Blending in with my surroundings Remaining invisible Inaccessibility and mum are the words If I am not quiet I will be discovered Human obstacles will be placed in my way Chaos and drama will impose upon me Preventing me from my purpose Once deprived there is no way to regain I have been stopped now And must focus on the pain Those who wish to assist Must first learn to let the wind pass freely Once they learn how not to touch Possibilities abound From below on the ground Until then you cannot see me In am invisible upon my wall Until I decide to journey from light Back into the forest of darkness for a spell If you miss me then It will be until the next time I journey Once again from the inner sanctum of the forest To once again sit upon my wall
The fountain of love With its water flow My hands folded into my lap I have come to know The many people who walk by Mothers with children Grandmothers who cry Drunkards,policemen Dogs on a walk Buses go by,kids who use chalk Drawing a hopscotch pattern They play in the park ~ Today I met a lady who binds old books I imagined her clearing away the dust From what thought did the author begin What did they go through to get to the flow These are things I would never know Who had picked up this book and read Chances are they were all dead Being as the book was 80 years old ~ The young lady of fair complexion Looked off in the general direction Observing the people at the fountain She seemed beside herself Like she was upon a floral mountain Then turning to me in my silence She explained I fix the bindings of books Resurecting authors Their words are all that has remained Of that spark of life within them That once lived in its role Reviving them is like observing A part of their giving soul A forgotten book in decay Is like watching life ebb away ~ I was glad I had come to the park The sound of the water at the fountain The laughter of children in the distance A chance meeting with someone Who had given me Words of wisdom to take home Where I could place them upon my mantle Returning to those thoughts On cold lonely evenings When all is silent Old books revived bring forth new vision In a fountain that never knows of droughts
At its own pace the world turns The flickering flame slowly burns Cogs that determine the way things flow Yet who would ever know If not for the motion that is so ~ In constant variables that equal A planet that rests on its axis Atlas never held the world Upon his mighty shoulders Neither does Neptune Rule the mighty seas Yet there is a man who adjusts Those cogs accordingly In the winter breeze Without him centrifugal force Would cease to exist Carefully he torques the cogs With the gentle turn of his wrists
Hares chasing hounds Around the track None can afford to have any slack What do rabbits do when they catch a hound The trick is to scare them a bit Smart hares always let them get away That is if they have any wit Plenty of days with plenty or races They all seem to pretty much have The same faces To make a hound beller To make him feel scared Better than seeing a rabbit snared
This field is beaming with pestilence Pods filled with irritants that rash my skin Too bad she is not out front I could really use the assistance My thrust seems to be enough My spokes are free of debri A mad hatter speaks to the Chesire cat Over there in one of those trees If I am to win the race this day I must outrun the bees While they are busy chasing me The bear in the woods will rob them of their honey How is that for a days work I have upset the enviornment once again Broken all the rules Managed to evade all the fools Who await me for unwanted bargains Ones that are out of the fields Into a metropolis of folly I would rather be on my porch Eating cauliflower and playing my guitar The vegetables are good for your body My guitar is good for my soul The ride through the field is my work Before I can arrive at home Looking forward to the things desired