

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Do Not Disturb"

"Suprise Visit"

I like my shirt you gave me
Thanks for the cereal too
I'm so suprised to see you
I never had a clue
Have you come to play with me
Let me get my toys
You're like the greatest thing to me
Even when you make that noise
I dont know what haha means
But I can see your smile
I'm glad you came to see me
And hope you'll stay awhile

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Precious moments"

The penguin told the walrus they had a trip to take;
The walrus wanted to wait a while and take his daily nap;
So the penguin waited and death was put on hold;
Precious minutes for some creature to be told;
A polar bear of four decades spent his time on top;
A floating iceberg that was his shelter;
He thought of all his cubs and knew he was dying slowly;
And had this time to reflect;
How things had been good for him and his kind;
He had heard the last of the seals before his sleep;
The sun had caressed his eyes one more time;
It was so silent upon the berg and in peace;
Soon time to close his eyes for the last;
Thank you old walrus for your tired feet and eyes;
We shall meet again beyond;
Now the penguin must do his work;

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Fractal Landscape"

Incadescence of the fluorescent terrain;
A fractal landscape in one's own mind;
Diverse trees in muddy waters;
That shine on as if they had no place in time;
What is it called-that evasive thing;
An origin of life is in the way;
Just sit down and spit out another atmosphere;
Machines can do a good enough job to replace;
While were at it let's eliminate another race;
Of people or we can do a test on a species of birds;
Firstly and then go on from there;
You know what has been said-
Nothing more will be put on us than what-
We can bear;
The vacilating visisitudes of life;
Are nothing more than strife;
Dead fish that float on waters;
With neon eyes that glaze;
Infected cattle with the death rattle;
Barely standing as they graze;
pouring smoke belches out;
The whoremongers continue with their greed;
A sun that is red from toxic fumes;
Rusty orange clouds lurking;
Bituminous has replaced Anthracite;
Money has replaced love;

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Constant Shadow"

Are you so sure you have to follow me
Sometimes my solitude calls out
Every time I look back you are there
Lingering in the background
You are my constant shadow
That follows me on my walks
Even when there is a window between us
Your presence has been constant
Since my childhood we have lived
In the same margins of time
You fill the sky and shelter me
I suppose you have earned a place
Not only in my heart
Fondness has set in deeply
Although no words have ever been
The closeness has filled the gap
Of my exsistence
You would not even leave me when I was called
To the great battles being fought
When my mother had to stay on the porch
You followed me to distant lands
When I came home you followed me
Here you are once again and have stayed
In my olden age you still regard me
As your companion who resides;
Within my heart;


© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

My sheep know my voice...."

Steadfast in the shepherd's crook
He calls his sheep by name
They come to him when he calls
Their master or his dame
The shepherd watches all the lambs
The children of the sheep
When stars come out and night falls
The master will not sleep
He remains upon his stilts
Made from oaken trees
The hunt is on lurking in shadows
Under the guise of the breeze
When gnashing teeth appear upon
To pierce his sheep's wool
The master shepherd faithfully comes
With lightening speed he wields his tool
Upon the heads of his enemies
In deterence of their plight
This yew shall live until he'd old
His wool no longer white
But for a wound and not much more
Than a pinch to flesh and fleece
His ram resides at his shepherd's side
To bleat in untouched peace

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Silent Past"

Of all the hours I laboured
Of all the men I've known
These silent corridors where
mass production was a miniscule
compared to the minds of those whom
worked alongside me deep into the night
The voices still echo from those behemoths
Their belching of smoke and fire
I used to think of Flash Gordon in the furnace room
Prince Baron at his side
While they were busy pitching coal
I was off in another place with Dale Arden
with kisses upon her face
Now the silent boilers are my only friends
In these dark corridors that resemble
The corridors of my mind
Of all the men who loved and laughed
Of all the stories told
We fought dragons of fire and talked of
The thoughts in minds and hearts
Our lips spoke of it and the visions were not far away
Of our children and our wives
The happiness in our lives
Even our dogs and houses that had a life of their own
And of what we would do on our days of rest
Working seven days-it was all in gest;
The great dream it still resounds in the echoes
It is fresh upon my mind and deep in my heart
There is that shaft of sunlight over there coming through the window
Just as it did before
Even though the sill is shattered and there is no pane
I wonder if that is the same sunlight that was
As I recall the voices of the past
Last time it was Ivan McGregor talking to me
His father at the immigration docks fresh off the ship
Or was it when his son was born into this world
And the night he cried because his mother was sick and dying
I walked him home and sat upon his porch as his dog licked our wounds
The ones on our hands;Not in our hearts you know-
Long gone but not forgotten days
There could be no trade for that which occured
It is my precious jewel that lives within


© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Ode to Brother Sun and Sister Moon"

A day on the beach building sandcastles
In the middle of the month of June
My sister was a special person
She always lived her life well and on her own;
Things got deranged-we became estranged
I began my search and found what I was looking for
My sister is still looking for it
Now we don't talk to eachother anymore
Life with the sandcastles was in our innocence
Great castles built upon the beach
I would tell her stories of them and how the knights of bold
Would battle the forces to keep the castle safe
Of the king and the queen who sat on thrones
The open markets in the breeze
Odors of fresh eatables like melons and cheese
And let us not forget bread
Soon the ocean tides would rise and the castle would be dead
I was not a knight and could not keep our castle safe
From the rising ocean tides where the plankton lived
When I saw my sister-I saw my mother
They both looked about the same
The way they walked-the way they talked
It was like visitation to the sandcastle once again
If even though in my mind-It was a place easy to find
But alas like those tides and in all that abides
The forces of nature have overcome once again


© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved


There is a secret I want to tell you
Quiet if you please
Nobody else is supposed to know
I'm the child who sees
Things of beauty and things of love
The resting of a butterfly
Manes of horses that flow with the wind
Beauty that is within my eye
I will tell but you must promise
To keep this in your heart
I will even show you but you must
Promise not to start
Showing it to everyone unless
You feel the need
If you do-your blessing is
You've answered others needs


© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Passing by"

I used to watch her when she was a girl
Little did she know I would ride those rails one day
Through all those small towns with the water towers
How many times would I go by the town I had come from
Without ever letting a soul know about it
I once peeked out of the boxcar and saw people I knew
Then dissapearred like the morning dew
On the outskirts of town I peeked out once again
And saw the lights from the old farmhouse
The place where I was born
A feint silhouette of the weathervane in the backdrop
It looked like a skeleton of what it had been
Sitting all forlorn atop its frame
Then it was passed and the open plains began to roll once again
I am but a wandering man upon the rails
Two cans of tuna and some loose tobacoo in my nap sack
With nothing more to say to the ghosts of my past
This rambling train that goes down the rails
I have more in common with it than I do with people
The alienation is good for my mind at this particular time
As I roll through the towns on my way to another day
Another place in my moment of time


© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Melancholic Stroll"

It was never meant to go this far;
We met upon a beach at night;
While staring at the morning star;
Amidst the crashing waves I saw;
A never ending horizon within my eye;
Then a voice whispered softly to me;
As I studied the motion of the ocean;
And looked as far as I could see;
I did not want to answer to the vulnerability;
Off in the distance was the lighthouse;
It lit the way for ships and men;
I began to walk the sandy beach;
Towards its zen;
I happened not to look back at all:
Hoping the soft voice had gone away;
It had followed in spite of my evasion;
With nothing more to say;
There I sat upon the moor that led the stony path;
To the lighthouse on the peninsula;
Out in the ocean of rath;
The soft voice spoke and then I noticed;
Someone had sat down on the rocks;
However meek with a rosy cheek;
Hair so black with rolling locks;
The eyes were hidden amidst the hair;
There was a hint of a smile;
Time had temporarily been suspended;
In the silence and stillness I sat for the while;
Out in the harbor were the shadows of ships;
Brine permeated the brisk ocean air;
As I watched the breeze blow through her hair;
And noticed the blue eyes with their steel grey stare;
I was taken prisoner in my mind;
Many phases of the moon passed by;
The ocean tides had rolled their way in stride;
Seashells that wash upon the striations;
Evidence that they have died;
There is this feint calling that is within my heart;
It is the voice that beckons from the darkness;
It is the original prison that held me in my mind;
The road that leads from it is my only hope to find;
There is that pulling and tugging thing going on again;
The one I try to avoid each time it comes knocking on my door;
One heart is wounded so that the other may find its way;
I end up leaving one broken rose with nothing more to say;


© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Reluctant Pelican"

Here comes another one of them humans
Don't they know I am trying to sleep
Got some fish at least-want some vomit
Another human to pester me-another creep
What's the big deal about this place
Just water and some boats on a dock
The only thing to do I suppose is fly away
And find another rock
But I like this place and the wood is warm
Guess everything will be alright
As long as they stay over there and out of sight
Like my father always said the way to avoid them
Don't make direct eye contact
And maybe,just maybe they will go away


© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Ode to Mr.Beady's Father"

You never miss water til the well runs dry
But I remember the look in dad's eye
When I was young we used to play
I listened as he would say
Words to me that still have meaning
That helped to mold my heart
The walks we took together
And how I would depart
The days that seemed so endless
Little did I know
I would become my own man
Although it happened slow
But dad was always such a part
Of what I did in life
Up or down we both knew our hearts
When we were in strife
This is the first year without him
at Christmas
He is fresh upon my mind
I am greatful for all the memories
And in my heart to find
The words we spoke and all the things
That we have done together
He is my sunshine that I feel each day
Regardless of the weather
In my heart he is still alive
And in my mind as well
I am greatful for my father and know
The water is still in the well
It has not run dry and never will
I feel his presence from moon to sun
He is just around the corner
And the only one
Who came to know me as I did him
My friend from my first day on earth
Thank you dad for all you did
Including my own birth


© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved


If there were no different shapes
Or different frames of mind
If every flower was a rose
All hope would be lost to find
All trees would be of the same
No variety of the cultures
Everything would be bland
Comatose like ravenous vultures
No point of reference other than their own
All oceans and seas would flow
Into rivers of nothingness
Where stagnation would rampantly grow
A bouqet of flowers is a wonderful thing
Lilacs are nothing like roses or an iris
Maples and ferns are not like an Oak
Ivy is not like the wheat in fields
The sun is not like the moon or the stars
Or a harvest of variety that it yields
There is much to be greatful for
Every mind and heart has its own
Every fruit different in taste
Every rock from a different stone
Each in its way make its deposit
Upon what is known as its place
To see it ,to feel it ,to know it ,to breathe it
Is to know the meaning of grace


© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Pristine Landscape"

To walk the land in winter snow
Sparkling crystals upon the bark
Footprints of animals all about
A sound of the solitare lark
Windswept drifts that dominate
A landscape blanketed with white
Shadows dancing about
As if they owned the night
Upon the wishes of moonbeams
That caress the frozen stream
Over head a hawk sits atop
A simple stare his eye in a gleam
The slightest movement of a stir
Though it be but a leaf upon a tree
Hanging on in wait for spring
In anticipation upon the wind
For snow to flee
All else is asleep in its claim
With great exception to the owl which hoots
Silent trees with branches in the breeze
Deep are its roots

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Folded Hands of Henna"

Hands of henna you have touched me
I saw your art when you passed your hands
over my face and onto my ears
The eventual glow of your inner flow
Will fade upon my heart
Floral hints of an incadescent proportion
In an outline of fates that end at your fingertips
Talk to me while you are in your flow
And whisper things that take me with you
When you go

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Roaming Spirit"

My silent dove leads the way
I must walk this path alone
It has flown from my heart
Confined in the recesses of each beat
In its own flow of harmony
Until it could no longer be deprived
Thornbushes have torn at my flesh
Wounds heal but the scars remain
A forced smile is upon my face
Beneath is the hidden pain
At the end of this road
Cleansing awaits
Emancipation from dreams
And chosen fates
The dove flies true
The dove flies high
It has hearkened unto my
inner most cry
Fear is no longer standing in the way
The clearing fog reveals
Hidden emotions like miracle potions
As my layer of callous peels
There it is in the clearing awaiting
I have but one more road to go
Over a hill and far away
Is the rhythm of my soul in the flow

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Pudgy the Cat"

Pudgy Perkins was my special friend
He came from a broken home
The ugliest cat I ever did see
In dire need of a comb
His broken face and busted nose
His heart of purest gold
I came to love Pudgy Perkins
The cat that came in from the cold
He used to stay in the next town over
Until I stole him from his home
His owner used to beat him senseless
Where Pudgy used to roam
Until he arrived at my place he never knew the joy
Or how it felt to love or be loved
Or to be given a place or a toy
He sat upon the kitchen table
As though at heaven's gate
Never dreaming of an exsistence
With food upon a plate
To sit near a flame that gave out heat
Or to have a place on the bed
Where he could rest and find love
And rest his crooked head
In spite of his many wounds
And the treatment he recieved in the past
He knew he had finally found a place
Where love would always last

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Memories of the Dream Worm"

Therein I slumber as the dream worm watches
It winds its way through the meadows and groves
Through boughs of trees in varying degrees
In flowers and vines and cloves
I remember the worm as a child
When it would come to me in lucid sleep
Under a sky of stars and the moon
Slowly it would creep
Never has it had a face of fear
Or a look of the beasts in the wild
It has always come to me
In the form of a smiling child
It wished no harm but merely
To enhance my state of dreams
Floating about like a soft cloud
Amidst the sparkling beams
The dream worm exsisted in the birth of time
Before I came to know
The dream worm shall exsist 'til the end of time
In winds that slightly blow
Ages beyond what I can imagine
It will constantly be revealed
Visions of dreams upon those beams
In the slumbering world
Where its exsistence is concealed

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Mourning Angels"

Crucifixion was a common use
Laid upon the masses
A device used in public display
To satisfy the power monger
Who harrasses
Little was known that one such act
Would inculcate spoken words
The angels wrench in pain for it
Their wings bloody on loins that gird
It is to their horror of a suffering pain
Blood flows freely down this tree
Grief is no longer hiding in the shadows
It is out in the open for all to see
Nails of iron that pierce the flesh
Cannot keep this good man down
The executioner wields the hammer of torture
Within is his placated frown
It will take more than iron nails posted upon a tree
Piercing some flesh-drawing some blood
Putting all men on one knee
The words and their meaning will live on
Singing into the many hearts and their ears
Under this sky-a man will die
For the sake of a world's fears
Energy and spirit cannot be touched
The soul cannot be taken by force
It is the harmony that wins against variance
In due time all things take their course

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Ode to a Girl named Trouble"

I always had to fend for myself
Since I was a brat in braids
Increasingly in forms of shadows
Some of my demonic escapades
Nobody ever knew me well
I didn't let them in too much
Trust was never one of my virtues
My heart was evasive to touch
I'd climb up trees and there I would wait
For something I still do not know
Winds of fury surround me
These thoughts that remain in tow
My walls are dingy and on the inside
Hides a little girl who is behind a wall
Nobody is there to give a care
Or to see me when I may fall
Solitary silence follows me
I handle all my own fears
Behind my wall suckling on my own heart
Hiding my bitter tears

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Tears that have fallen from my eyes"

Look into thine eyes
What dost thou see
I have cried a thousand tears
Upon my pillow in the night
I have seen a thousand tears
Within my own insight
I have heard a thousand voices
Calling out to me
I have seen a thousand stars
Reflecting onto thee
I have touched a thousand hearts
But not one has reached for me
I have imagined a thousand lullabyes
Inside a song that cries
As I wear my outward disguise
Upon a thousand oceans
A thousand waves that carry me
Sing me to sleep as I close my eyes
In spite of dreams that flee
I would gladly suffer
A thousand deaths upon my bed
Sing to me softly so that I may sleep
And upon you rest my head

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Concealed Beauty"

I see the beauty deep within me
It is a secret I must keep
No act put upon me can deter it
What has been sown it shall reap
In this silence within my room
There can be no thoughts of doom
The little girl who resides
In all that abides
I am safe within the womb
Of everlasting peace
That no strong hand can destroy
In the splatter-it doesn't matter
For I have the knowledge of true joy
That is where it lays with me
Deep inside where it can't penetrate
On the outside I am just a shell
The battering hand wants to deprive me
And put me in the same kind of hell
True peace and joy will always overcome
Turmoil and the evils of pain
These wounds will heal but the scars are there
I will be cleansed in the sterile rain

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Grasping Time"

If I could reach through the portals of time
Taking control of stars in motion
Galaxies and moons that inhabit the skies
In this universal commotion
To change the ways that planets spin
Planet rotations on their own axis
Suns that burn in brilliance
A moon that wanes and waxes
To reach through time and grasp
Energy that is there for the taking
Then to spread it out again
Is nature in the making
Cosmic dust that travels far
In essence it is what all matter is made of
Like fine woven silk that comes from worms
It is a labour of love
The cosmos were created and mingled together
With much the same love in mind
Each delicate particle intracately laced
In a lattice work of its own kind

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved


"Everywhere I go"

She is ever present wherever I go
The actions are spoken in so many ways
As I travel down the many roads
Endless roads unto endless days
Sometimes I see the fury in clouds
Or the rushing waters of a nearby stream
Swaying trees bending with the wind
In the eye of a critter I see the gleam
Everywhere is the spark of life
In the ever presence of things that exsist
To observe my surroundings is a privelage
Something I cannot resist
The pulling on my soul are like reins
They pull like strings attached to my heart
Take this in and that in is what they are saying
But in action rather than words to impart
The actions in motion are words to me
They translate deep in my mind
Where sea and land and sky come together
To a point where I am able to find
Great secrets in life that are buried deep
I am a treasure hunter who sits atop the steeple
I take the visions and make them into words
And disperse their seeds to the people
Words shall grow alongside the visions
Their translations will reach out and touch
Multitudes will take up the banner
To sow more seeds as such
Unto the masses and into their ears
Dispelling myths and replacing all fears

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Temporary Friendship"

Hey buddy-what you doin'
You weren't here last time I came outside
Where'd you get that cool lookin' smile
Why you lookin' at me with those eyes so wide
You look pretty cool there with your arms out
You wanna play with me today
How come you don't move at all
You aint got nothin' to say
Last year there was someone just like you
Then one day he was gone
It got warm and the sun came out
He ran away after tinkling on the lawn

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Homeward Bound"

This is the path that leads to home
I know the way wherever I roam
It is a clear picture in my mind
Up this path is how I will find
Everything just as it was
Trees giving forth their fruit
Flowers blooming-birds in song booming
Insects being trailed in hot pursuit
Though crickets may chirp in the darkness
Fresh cut winter wheat is still in the fields
There is the smell of rich fertile soil
Giving up what is sowed when it yields
Each summer seems to go by swiftly
There seems yet not enough time in the breeze
Watching seasons with a slanted view
In varying amounts of degrees
The cleared fields reveal fawn and doe
Trampling the stalks of corn
Soon will come the blanket of snow
All in crystals sparkling of that which is borne
In the pristine whiteness that covers the soil
In anticipation of the spring to come
I will soon travel the path to my home
For that is the total sum

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Witness to History"

I am an island out in the fog
Surrounded by the forces of water
Woodsmen came to the forest once
Their minds commited to slaughter
Great oaks fell as did many pines
Some I had known a century or more
Foliage was trampled-frogs made their escape
In the peace I have come to adore
I was not part of the mass destruction
That once took place on the lands
That deafening sound of fallen trees
Caused by unrelenting hands
The dead silence that followed was
An unbearable noise in the silent
Dust filled the air without n'er a prayer
No tear was shed in the act so violent
The roots remain of the skeleton trees
Who still speak in low voices at times
They no longer cry or ask why
Or even question the crimes
Of the so many there are so few
Who can hear the trees when they cry
I am the island out in the fog
Who will silently testify

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Hot Coals"

I hang my head as fires burn;
Around me in flickering flame;
And my desire within the fire;
To escape from earthly shame;

As though a lamb which softly bleats;
I hear the voices call;
Those who raise their hands in silence;
Beyond the giant wall;

Of which their hearts and minds are many;
That linger by the sea;
As though a star that sits afar;
That reflects a part of me;

A withered tree which had no care;
That once bore fruit for men;
Of withered hearts which had no voice;
That tremble on the posts of fences;
Like that of silent winds;

~ Moses ~

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Intercession of the soul"

© 2007 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved (Graphic Declaration included (P)

"Admiration of theTree Lady"

The tree lady sings with her arms stretched wide;
Deep are the roots to her soulful eyes;
She is the culmination of all that is pure;
Her giving branches into all that applies;
I wish I had a mother like that;
Who could look down on me with pride;
Alas I have no mother like that;
Who can sing to me by her side;
All I can do is look up and see;
Her face within the tree;
She could hold me steady like her baby;
And this I could forsee;
Her words would be found in the whistling winds;
Her song weaving through the branches;
Falling leaves that flutter to the ground;
In a steadiness like avalanches;
Upon my face with no disgrace;
They are like kisses upon my cheek;
The tree lady dear takes away my fear;
Oh how I wish she could speak;
A branch caresses my shoulder;
It seems as if to say;
You know your place,now you must go;
To find your own pathway;

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Lost Hope"

They call me Doc wherever I go
Countless towns I have been
Wandering now for twenty years
The world is my home-I have no kin
Once upon a time I was a surgeon
I thought I was God with a scalpel in my hand
With the power to save people from the grave
The very spark of life in my command
But I had not the power when the day was done
To save the life of my only son
Out in the corridor his mother moaned
Inside that room I silently groaned
That night I died a thousand deaths
And lost track of how many breaths
Work and toil to make him live
God was not able to give
And I lost my soul that very night
No longer wanting to engage in the fight
Days turned into weeks
But my hand was not steady
My wife in resentment
For I could not save Teddy
The wounds were many-the injuries massive
Severe damage had been done to his brain
Driving his truck with a bottle of whiskey
He met head on with a moving train
The house is still there where I once had lived
The windows now are silent and dark
Part of the porch is caved in with dryrot
I no longer care to hear the song of the lark
I wander the tracks from town to town
Inside the tears still flow
I don't talk to God anymore
I am in the silent winds that blow

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Author's Hideaway"

I exacerbate in my dim lit quarters
Upon the walls are chalk notations
Time is spent upon my bed
Thought comes in rotations
I throw notes over my head
That come to me in lucid dreams
Prancing images fuzzy about the edges
Under the guise of different themes
The few photos upon the wall
Serve as inspiration
Whether in white light or black night
Thoughts adjust to adaptation
Written words upon the walls
Jots that represent a part of the tale
As I sit by the window and ponder life
That which lies beyond the veil
Unannounced at different times
The veil is lifted temporarily
Visions are shown at random
In sights of extraordinarily
Of no sacrifice which can be too great
The words come in their own good time
With solitude comes great contemplation
In Cause and effect to reach as I climb
The silence of the little room
Allows me great latitiude
To express myself beyond my own limits
With an open minded adittude

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Surreal Imprisonment"

In heaviness of surreal contemplation
We are molded as if clay
Amongst the ruins of imagined wastelands
Side by side our eyes are closed
We are the chosen prey
Frontal lobes may meet unawares
Flocking to a central rendevous
Under muddy colored clouds
In shimmering shrouds
Enthralled in some form of cubism
Nothing is done that could construe
All are still chained to this dimension
In the constant flurry of changing atoms
It is at the nucleus of the problem
Random thoughts that float in suspension
Upon the stagnant air stream
However close we are able to be
Denial is in vain to the microscopic grain
Fleeting thoughts and images
Are strategically placed upon canvas
In an attempt to capture our inner wills
Rapidly built monuments pacify us
Like elusive electrons that invade the brain

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Wizardly Practices"

The wizard of fates produces an energy
Sending it out over the land
He mixes stones with broken bones
Holding their fate within his own hand
A true master never asks for his own needs
But the needs of others
His work does not come back in void
He evades the toil that ultimately smothers
Understanding what he must do
Standing in wait for the morning dew
Words of wisdom spoken in care
Speaking softly in solemn prayer
He asks for little in return
Evoking the attention of the powers
True power is when it is not used
And attention is given to the flowers
Healing potions to cure all kinds
To bring peace unto restless minds
He is the wizard of fates
All other work disintegrates

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Mosaic City"

In the multiplicity of the city
Groaning buildings that fit together
like teeth in a row
Crowded amongst the masses
They hear the pounding of the feet
Even though they have no ears
They see the people in the street
Even though they have no eyes
Their mouths are wired shut
Even though they cannot speak in words
Bird dung is their cosmetic makeup
Some prefer eye liner while others don't
All they have to do is stand there and look
Beautiful all day
They do not need to think even though
They have a brain
Musak is piped in with subliminals in it
Or at least that is the rumor
Not the subliminals-but the music
Motionless people at work
Get to be in the elevator all day

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Alpha Omega"

Is this the apple that is within my eye
A cobra that attempts to consume itself
Deep within the meaning of a symbol
Therein lies the meaning of life and death
According to the Origins of Life
Alas he stands erect
In preparation his head swells up
His venom spits out like a planting of seeds
We are the seeds that spill onto the earth
Soil is the place where we begin growth
Weeds are the influences of negativity
That choke the life from the seeds
Once they have taken root
Rocky places must be cleared
For the growth of the seeds
Sown into places that are surrounded
Water engulfs the planet
Working in unison with the Sun to give
So that all may live within
A garden that is wrought with sin
For all that must derive
In order for all to survive
It shall be done
By everyone
According to the Origins of Life

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Fetal Cocoon"

I am the child who rests in the womb
Pure white effacacious blood
Of immortality
In the life giving ovaries
With precious hands that envelop
My head and pull me into the light
From whence I emerged a lifetime ago
In my own innocence which is within
Life giving miracle that all shall know
Giving energy of a seed which shall grow
Until such time as another child
Shall be within
The womb

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Galloping Tides"

Upon the waves ride unicorns
Under the cover of darkness
Safe from prying eyes
That would dispell their exsistence
At the expense of a child's tears
In spite of the mermaid princess
Who brings joy to the hearts of children
Who look to the skies in their innocence
To find something they can believe in
That will carry them off to the meadows
In the dream like state of their minds
Only to find such joy in the stars
Under the moon in the heavens
Amidst the clouds that give cover
For the unicorns who ride the waves

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved


Big wheels turn in a desert that was once
An open sea in the air
No more are the gulls whose
shrieking calls pierce the sky
Steam that rises out of the machines
Is the anger and rath that was created
While men of industry looked the other way
As they poisoned the day
And concealed their ways under the cover
Of darkness
The name of the ship is Golgotha
It represents all of the pain
The lighthouse tags along closely
It's efforts are an act that is vain
The bodies of fish that floated
By the thousands when there was a shore
Now it is sand that reveals land mines
And down to the very core
Of all that was righteous in that open sea
Fish stuck down in the muck and mire
Seagulls no longer knowing their gain
In the world where steam rises out of machines
In nature's decision to refrain

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"A dog named Mickey"

Hi there buddy-I've been waiting
For you to come home from work
Been resting on the couch on my little blanket
I see your little smirk
I'm sure glad your home-I missed you alot
Don't quite know what to say
Played with the cat and we took a nap
I thought about you most of the day
Didn't feel like eating today very much
But I'm feel like eating a bit now
First let's play a little with my favorite toy
If you feel like it anyhow
I'll sit on the floor while your having dinner
Then we will sit on the couch together
Watch some television-as you tickle me
Until it's time for the weather
After that comes my favorite time
When I get to jump on the bed
Everything is quiet now
As I rest on a pillow near your head
Soon will come one of those days
When you dont have to work however
I get to see you for an entire day
As I wish this could go on forever

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Hitchin' another ride"

One more trip across the plains
Just ate my last plate of beans
Got three dollars stashed in my sock
I'm wearing my only pair of jeans
Three oreo cookies stashed in my hat
To keep away the hunger pangs
I got some tobacco in my back pocket
Soon the boxcar will ascend the hills
Where there still roams wild mustangs
I notice the tumbleweed rolling
In the oncoming dust storm
Paralyzed statues of cactus staring
In their odd shaped form
As silhouettes in the background
While the next horizon appears
Imagining the conestoga wagon trails
Of the traveling pioneers
The herds of buffalo that roamed the grasslands
Alongside the grazing antelope
Indian maidens who pitched the camps
Who prepared meals of the wild cantelope
Stretched hides that bake in the sun
In a peaceful mid day afternoon
I ramble on with my day dreams
As I observe an old Hopi ruin
It's the Santa Fe trail in the rock hewn tops
No longer are the flat land plains
Wild deer that look on with no fear
At the passing by of the trains
Many a gold miner lived in this place
Their dreams of hope and desires
Working by the sweat of their brows
In the midst of the aspens and the briars
Here from my perch on the old boxcar
I imagine how things used to be
When I was a boy I dreamed of this life
I made it my silent decree
To ride the rails and see the sights
To sleep under the stars in the cool air
Feeling the warmth of a campfire
In evening skies so fair

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved


I am Leviathan of the many leagues
Deep in the oceans of seas
Mighty waves and silent graves
Of those things many a sailor leaves
Cry not for me oh gulls who are like
Remora who have clung to my side
Denizens of the deep who await
My heart pounds out its last
There is a strange music in my ear
The mighty harpoon of tinkling brass
It has found its target upon me
In a great heap upon my silent soul
In giving up into the groping
Waves that will take my final roll
I have felt the sun
Upon my wrinkled brow
A ships mast breaches
Its steady bough
Full sails work against me with the wind
Twisting hemp in binding squeals
This is my day as I came in
So shall I go out
With good men who are in this sea
With me this day in their final shout
I give my farewells to the plankton
Cutting winds and water upon my skin
Life pours from the gap in my wound
The brine and foam make form for my deliverance
I turn my final breath towards the depths of below

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"At the waters edge"

This is the end of the road at last
My ashes scattered into the sea
It is a place of forgetfulness
For I was the holder of the key
The seeds I planted were chosen words
eyes upon eyes did read
Seeds of love and of evil and joy
Sadness and of happiness and of greed
It had taken root and begun to grow
Others may take up the torch in my stead
A frail string that holds up the world
A slender invisible thread
The fine line of reason
A plumb that makes balance
My ashes rest upon a bed
Curtained in the very valance
As though I were cloth with a woven string
Sewn together with great care
I declare-do not despair
What lies ahead is beyond the fog
On another plateau in the plane
To utter words where there are no ears
To write them down where there are no eyes
Is an excersize in total vain

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved

"Open Window"

Blue shudders against the sky
Stucco walls with ivy growth
Dismembered clouds attempt to cluster
Making my silent oath
Finding the words in an elusive place
A place within my own mind
Hiding in shadows inside my brain
Making it difficult to find
There it is around a corner
Like a fleeting thing in summer's breeze
Hoping to breach what is beyond reach
In a constant tease
Layers below the blue shudder's paint
Original wood is presumed
Peeling back the imagined layers
Naked timbers are now exhumed
Exposure to the current world
Where no concience lies too deep
Secrets are kept as the world slept
For I have many oaths to keep

© 2006 Moses Lestz - All Rights Reserved